Chicago Bishop Releases Decree Discriminating Against Same-Sex Couples & Their Children


Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, has just issued a harsh decree about how he wants priests in his diocese to treat same-sex couples both in life and in death. Happy Pride everyone.


The main points of the bishop's decree involve both the married couples and their children in the categories of:

  • Same Sex Marriages
  • Reception of Holy Communion
  • Sacraments of Initiation (First Communion and Confirmation)
  • Funeral Rites
  • Church participation
  • Catholic school participation

What better words to use to convey this bishop's ultra conservative views than his owh.  Click on images for a larger view.



Head over to the Washington Post for the entire decree of this loose cannon of a religious leader.

Paprocki is not new to being in the news.  When Illinois passed a same-sex union bill in 2013, the bishop performed an exorcism when Illinois passed a same-sex union bill in 2013.  He called out Catholic politicians for supporting such a bill.  He embraces the traditional Catholic view that gays are immoral.

Is Bishop Paprocki being a good and true Catholic?


Or is he moving backwards from where the church is today.

Are there accepting Catholic churches out there?


I was raised Roman Catholic and every time I think about going back to the church, something like this comes to a head. Then again, I would have to believe in a Catholic god and that's something I never did in the first place.

2 thoughts on “Chicago Bishop Releases Decree Discriminating Against Same-Sex Couples & Their Children”

  1. According to the way I was

    According to the way I was raised in the Catholic Church it is bishop Paprocki that is immoral. He will have to answer to god for his bigotry.  



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