If Men Had Periods – Manpons Commercial. Men Learn First Hand What Women Go Through Each Month.


What if men had periods?  We all have that male friend that seems to be more emotional on a monthly schedule, but that doesn't compare to all the crap women have to go through when it comes to that time of the month. 


If we did have our periods, there would be many things different in the world, one being tampon commercials.  Here's how one group thinks 'manpon' commercials would be like if men had to deal with a monthly visitor. 





Kind of funny, no?  Very different than touching beach scenes and orchestral music.  Would it be all bro code if men had periods?

WaterAid made a comical commercial that I hope would never have to happen, but they didn't do it for comic relief, but more so to point out that women lack the necessary facilities when it comes to that time of the month.




How much do men know about a woman's period?  I'd like to think that I'm pretty sensitive to the ordeal women go through, but I even learned a little from this next video.  How well do you know what women go through during their period.  Most of us love the fact that we can be oblivious to the goings on down there in that place where women differ from us.  This gold star gay is right there with you!  Never seen it in person, never want to, never want to touch one. But we should know about it, no?  On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you know what women need to do during their period?

Half of the world's population goes through menstruation at some point, yet periods remain a taboo topic for most people. We invited six men down to our studios to discuss periods and the products we use to get through them. So how much did they know prior to the conversation? Watch and see. Visit our website at http://www.vpointnews.com/justatampon. (June 8, 2015)







Yep, I'm so glad I have a penis. But I am more understanding of what women go through. 




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