McSwiggan Has Webcam Threesome Leak [NSFW]. Another Scandal Or Distraction?

styles medium public images blog posts Adam Dupuis 2016 07 04 ecd96998e5a7399e95fc3dd5eaa09dc0

We recently covered a story on Youtuber Calum McSwiggan: I Did Not Fake My Hate Crime Attack.  But now we see when the controversy rains it pours?


Goes without saying the link is NSFW in many ways.

It hasn’t been the best week for YouTuber Calum McSwiggan. Firstly it seemed he was the victim of a homophobic attack, which was then quickly followed by accusations that he lied about it. Confirmation of what actually went down is still to come to light. And while we wonder if this interim if he was actually beat, someone’s leaked footage of him beating (off) two of his mates.

Eeek… Who knew those kinky webcam chats would come back to haunt us one day?

You can view the full 51 mins of webcam willy fun HERE. –

 But then again is a little ol' threesome sex tape controversy?  Is this a leak?  And if you watched it, was that really Calum?

Is Calum trying to pull the "Oooh  look!  Something shiny" tactic to smooth over and / or make us forget the possible fake hate crime incident? 





10 thoughts on “McSwiggan Has Webcam Threesome Leak [NSFW]. Another Scandal Or Distraction?”

  1. Faking a “hate crime” is a

    Faking a "hate crime" is a crime but so is DEFAMATION. I hope Calum sues your stupid magazine for all the lies you are posting about him. I definitely would!

  2. I wish gay online gay

    I wish gay online gay publications like Instinct would stop vilifying our own community, especially since Calum has apologized for his part in doing these videos months ago. This story and the video are old and not newsworthy in the slightest.

    I get it though; we all have a voyeuristic side that wants to peer into someone's public and private life, even though at a young age as he has said, Calum was naive enough to believe that these would never be released publicly. 

    Calum has nothing to feel ashamed about; we all have done something stupid in our life, and he's admitted it on his Youtube channel.

    What we SHOULD feel ashamed about is an online publication like Instinct and The Advocate trying to drive viewership to their website with nothing but sleazy tabloid fare. It's a lowball tactic that stoops to clickbait articles like this further degrading people's reputation, with no regard of the damage they do to our gay community.

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  4. This is old new, he did a

    This is old new, he did a YouTube video admitting to it months ago. Instinct magazine, don't you have anything better to report on then trashy, defamatory journalism? Do gay people not face enough bad press from main stream media? Must you also be tabloid gossip and sink to the lowest common denominator? Our sex lives are already not mainstream, many gay people have done things like this, it should not be newsworthy from a gay publication. My opinion of Instinct is greatly diminished, your publication should be a safe haven for all gay people who do no harm to our community. Shame on you!

  5. he should embrace his inner

    he should embrace his inner slut and go back to being a cum-dumpster!  it's the only way to salvage his reputation!

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  7. OMG, too funny. They couldn’t

    OMG, too funny. They couldn't keep hard-ons?! Poor fellas; now it's out there for all to see. Awkward. 

  8. Ummm, this isn’t news, this

    Ummm, this isn't news, this video leaked several months ago. He already admitted it was him in a video on YouTube.  Maybe you should try watching some of his videos and see the valuable content he posts instead of just posting defamation.  He's trying to make a living and keep a roof over his head  just like everyone else in the world.  This video is no longer a scandal or a distraction, it's click bait, pure and simple.

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  10. This “sex tape” is nothing

    This "sex tape" is nothing new.  It's been making rounds for some time and he even did a YouTube video about it awhile back.  Nothing to see here . . . on this issue.


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