Kathy Griffin Announces An Official Jump To YouTube

Image via YouTube / Kathy Griffin Reaction To Elisabeth Hasselbeck Leak On The View

Can She Succeed Against The Teeny Boppers Makeup Tutorials?

By now you must know all of the chaos iconic comedienne, Kathy Griffin, has had to deal with since the 2016 presidential election. Yes, we’ve all seen the infamous photo of her holding a faux-severed head of sitting President Donald Trump. Since, Griffin has essentially been black balled by Hollywood, her celebrity friends, and job opportunities. She’s been eyeing a comeback for the last two years, even though she’s been investigated by the government and likely pissed off former Hollywood heavyweights like Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper along the way by spilling some juicy gossip on them, which is what we love her for anyway! Griffin is sometimes her best when she is telling her stories of being involved in celebrity culture. I still will randomly laugh to myself when I think of Griffin’s standup specials and her reiterating the story of Brooke Shield’s drunk mother at a house party. I’m a huge fan of Griffin, but I’m a little nervous about her next endeavors.


According to Griffin, she’s going to become more of a YouTuber. Check out her tweet from today below:

So, Griffin is going to be taking her YouTube Channel to “the next level”. Currently, she has only 117K subscribers, but has racked up over six million views. Her current YouTube videos could probably use some Millennial help, there isn’t necessarily a theme going on, it’s more fan fare than anything. She’s promising us weekly videos which will include reactions to viral trends (I’d assume) and trips down memory lane AKA new standup-ish material!? I’m definitely supporting this. I love Griffin and my schedule and wallet never match to go see her in person somewhere in Los Angeles, so I’d love to continue my tradition of watching her from home as I nurse a bottle of wine. This is great for someone like me, but I’m a superfan. She’s lost a lot of those…


As fans of Griffin, we’d watch. But, in order for her to succeed against people who are YouTube famous is going to be a bit of a competition. The YouTube viewers are obviously young, potentially brainless, and petty individuals who, let’s be honest, need lives. I don’t know anyone in my large social network of working professionals, aspiring socialites, and others from young Hollywood who actively follow anyone on YouTube. We’re all too busy to keep up with nonsense, click baity videos, so I couldn’t even begin to tell you “who’s who” of YouTube celebrities. I’m not the audience for it and I’m not certain any of Griffin’s fans really are? Like, could you imagine her saying that horrible “Hi Guys!” at the beginning of a video?!

I’m happy she’s going to have more content for diehard fans like me to view, but I’m not really banking on this move giving her mass amounts of success. Either way, I subscribed to her and you should too! We’ve got to support our girl, right?!

Are you going to be tuning in to Griffin’s next level YouTube channel? While you make your decision, you can check out Griffin’s latest YouTube video where she dishes on her arch-rival, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, below!

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

3 thoughts on “Kathy Griffin Announces An Official Jump To YouTube”

  1. I will be there too. I left YouTube watching several months ago because of the nonsense and stupid drama between YouTubers and the toxic comments section. But for Griffin? Oh yeah, I’m there. Getting an email notification for her channel and everything!

    • I think she probably spilled it all already. After what he did to her when The Photo was released, he is dead to me. F him!


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