We've all seen the viral holiday card fails from year's past, but Andrew Power (pictured left in the image below) and his family have taken it to a whole new level… and it's a winner!
Andrew, a brooklyn based designer and illustrator, who dabbles in the art of drag decided to create some of the most epically amazing holiday cards we've ever seen.
Here's the image from 3 years ago:
2 years ago:
And behold, this year's:
And guess what? Andrew did the makeup himself with a little youtube makeup tutorial and with—as RuPaul would say—C.U.N.T.: Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and TALENT.
What do you think of Andrew and the Power family's holiday cards, Instincters?
Image source imgur.com / Via reddit.com. (h/t: buzzfeed.com)
These are incredible! So fun,
These are incredible! So fun, funny and creative!! Great job!
love the drag one at the end.
love the drag one at the end..
Out standing! Lol
Out standing! Lol