‘LGBT Need Not Apply’ Job Advert Has Us Seeing Red.

I was laid off from my full time job at a local college back on July 1 of this year.  It is what it is.  In my searching for a new full time pay check and profession, I've come across (too) many job adverts.  Some have been very well written and informative while others are just so vague that you don't now what kind of job they're trying to fill or what type of candidate they desire for the position.

But one thing I haven't seen is "LGBT need not apply."   Granted some of the jobs I have looked at were at uber religious institutions and I've actually applied, even though they say I must be a devout something or other and I'm far from practicing any religion. No matter what, none of them have come out and said in print no gays.


Of course things are different in the United States than in Indonesia as this recent post from Mashable.com proves.


A recruitment ad from the Indonesian government seeking a new Creative Youth Ambassador has plainly stated that it does not want anybody from the LGBTQ community to apply.

The ad, from the Gerakan Nasional Permuda Kreatif (National Creative Youth Movement), is seeking someone between the ages of 20 and 27 to apply.

The requirement, however, carries some disturbing phrasing:

Sehat jasmani dan rohani, tidak terlibat pergaulan bebas dan penyinpangan perilaku seksual termasuk LGBT, yang dijelaskan melalui surat keterangan dokter.

That translates to: "We require someone physically and mentally healthy, not involved in promiscuity and sexually deviant behaviour, including LGBT, which should be proven through a doctor's certificate."

The statement has drawn brickbats and mockery in online forums, with many questioning just how a doctor might be able to certify someone as straight. – Mashable.com



Egads!  You need a doctor's note to prove that you are not LGBT?  Or does the doctor's note clause also pertain to a sexually deviant straight person, too?  Either way … WTF?  Head over to Mashable.com to see some of the responses to this job ad.

Have you seen discriminatory job adverts in your country? 

Have you been turned down for a job because you are LGBT?

Did being LGBT get you a job over another non-LGBT candidate?




h/t:  Mashable.com


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