It felt so good!
That was my first statement about the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie and after seeing the first teaser for the second installment in the series, I know I'm going to feel good again. Have a look for yourself.
We see a snippet of some bad guys, but that's about it for now. What we really wanted to know was if everyone was coming back from the original movie.
From the screen shots inserted below, we see that most are returning. Chris Pratt as Peter Quill, Dave Bautista as Drax, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Bradley Cooper as Rocket, Michael Rooker as Yondu, and I'm so happy to see Karen Gillan as Nebula, and of course Vin Diesel as Groot.
Why is Summer so far away!
And as for who will be the villain(s). We'll have to wait and see.