Jake Wesley Rogers Pays Homage To LGBTQ Heroes With His New Single

Paying homage to everyone from the legendarily revered Oscar Wilde, the revolutionary Marsha P. Johnson, political firebrand Harvey Milk and the endlessly boyish Peter Pan, the much-buzzed about (and ferociously out) burgeoning artist Jake Wesley Rogers drops his new single, the hauntingly glorious ‘Momentary’.

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Photo Courtesy-Jake Wesley Rogers (Facebook)

Rogers wanted to be sure to pay particular tribute to some of his own personal LGBT trailblazers and heroes, both in the lyrical content of the track, as well as in the black & white film noir-style that the video is shot in. Of the single & video itself, Rogers says “Momentary’ is a funeral and a celebration of life. As a queer person, I think it’s important to recognize the complex tapestry that began before I was here and will continue after I’m gone. In the song, I pay respect to my heroes, both fictional and actual, from Marsha P. Johnson to Peter Pan, who didn’t get a chance to grow old. In the music video directed by Se Oh, I boldly sing in fishnets and a loin cloth while being crucified on a cross, a powerful representation of the impermanence of love and life. Everything truly is momentary.” 


With the recent announcement that Rogers would be taking the stage at this July’s annually historic Lollapalooza festival, Rogers is now poised for his largest global stage yet. That is not however, preventing from some of the biggest names in entertainment to already be well-aware that Jake Wesley Rogers is one of music’s biggest emerging artists. Actress/Fabletics founder Kate Hudson posted Rogers belting out his single ‘Middle Of Love’ on her Instagram last week, saying that “every once in a while an artist comes along that blows your mind; @jakewesleyrogers you are AMAZING”!

Follow Jake Wesley Rogers on Instagram