Romanian Orthodox Bishop Forced To Leave After A Gay Sex Video With A Student Leaked

Credit: Romania TV


Another one bites the dust.

Yet another bishop has been wrought by sex scandal, but this time the situation has been resolved quickly and quietly.

What happened was the last month a video leaked of Biship Corneliu Barladeanu having sex with a male seminary student of 17-years-old. The video is apparently old enough that the student is now a full fledged priest, but it still incriminates the bishop.

Barladeanu denied that the man in the video was him, but he was still asked by the Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bukovina to no longer to serve the Holy Mass and other church services, "until the proximate meeting of the Holy Synod when it will be approached."


Then, this past Thursday and Friday, Barladeanu went to have a “discussion” with the Holy Synod, the group that governs the Romanian Orthodox Church. The results of that two day discussion was that Barladeanu decided to leave his position, despite still claiming his innocence, “for the peace and good of the Church.”

That said, the Holy Synod and the Romanian Orthodox Church did not punish Barladeanu in anyway with the reasoning that it would prolong “for a long time the uncertainty of the bishopry of Husi (the location in which Barladeanu was in charge).”

So, it seems like Corneliu Barladeanu got off easy as he still gets to practice and preach as a monk, but without an office to his name.

5 thoughts on “Romanian Orthodox Bishop Forced To Leave After A Gay Sex Video With A Student Leaked”

    • Hello,


      Yes, while the text itself stated he was Romanian Orthodox, the title was messed up and said he was simply Roman. It has now been corrected. 🙂

    • Hello,


      While the article itself was correct in stating that he was Romanian Orthodox (a subsection of Eastern Orthodox), the title has been edited to fix any confusion.


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