Josh Hutcherson Opens Up About His Infamous ‘Massive Peen’ Scene!

The internet went into thirst and confusion overhaul a couple of weeks back over Josh Hutcherson's penises (yes, I'm using this as a plural) in his Hulu series Futureman


Here's a recap.  Josh plays a guy also named Josh (last name Futterman) who gets recruited to travel through time in an attempt to prevent the extinction of humanity. In one scene of the show, he meets another version of himself in the future that accidentally swapped dicks with a hung guy while traveling through dimensions.  It turns into a Josh vs. Josh showdown.  It's naked, and it's fabulous.

The question on everyone's minds was which was real: the comically large peen on one of the Josh's or the normal sized version on the other? 

He answered that question on his Twitter account recently, where a user asked "In the naked scene, was it a stunt double?"




"It’s a combination of me with camera lock-offs, and also a stunt double, and a lot of prosthetics as I’m sure you may have noticed.”

Hrmm, so question answered, but still so many questions in our minds about what prosthetics were used and what was really "real" on him?  Regardless, you look good Josh, so thanks for this memorable scene!

7 thoughts on “Josh Hutcherson Opens Up About His Infamous ‘Massive Peen’ Scene!”

  1. I think they’re both fake…

    I think they're both fake… does nobody else think this? It looked to me like there were prosthetics on both.

    • There is no “think” – they are very obviously both fake. Even talking about the smaller one – even white guys with absolutely huge penises like Tommy Lee aren’t that big soft, unless they got a half chub (many black guys stay bigger when soft, but it’s very rare for white guys to). But it wasn’t just too big for a white softie, it also was very misshapen. It bulged out of the body too much and was weirdly shaped, you can easily tell it’s fake as well.

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