Now or Never – Blair St Clair Gets Us Sashaying On The Dance Floor

styles large public images blog posts Adam Dupuis 2018 05 02 image 0

When May hits, so doesn't our desire for a good summer song.  The need to get the juices flowing, to get ready for the beach, boys, and bailamos (thanks Enrique Iglesias).


It may be too early to start listing off candidates, but we think Blair St Clair may have a hook that, if it's not the top one, may have some legs on it to last through the entirety of 2018. 

Like most dance songs and videos you can cut off the first 50 second if all you want is the tunes, but if you do that, you'll miss Max Emerson playing the not-so-supportive husband. His attitude pushes Blair St Clair's character over the edge, to the bottle, and to her song title, Now or Never.

I've liked Blair St Clair (BlairStClairVEVO) since the second I saw her walk into the workroom on Ru Paul's Drag Race this season. Now, after this song/video, I'm liking what she has to offer even more. She definitely gets the job done, with a little assistance from Max, Jinks Monsoon, and Manila Luzon.



Eliminated queen?  Far from it!

Are these some of the best vocals from any queen from the Ru World? We're thinking they're pretty damn good and WE WANT TO HEAR MORE!

Let me show my age a little here with my praise and how the song hit me. The song reminds me of one of the power anthems of summers past.  You know those not so equal summers, the ones before Obergefell v. Hodges and marriage equality, before Obama, before we had ever been to a big city pride. Now or Never reminds of one of those songs that gets inside us and helps us stand a little taller, giving is that extra bit of self-worth to smile and hold our heads up level or even a little higher.

When we first heard Now or Never, it was at the 11th spot on the Top 40 US Dance Tracks List.   Now, it's at 24 (at 22 in Australia). Maybe we could get her into the top 10?


What do you think? Will it be one of those songs to get you on the dance floor this summer?

If you need another listen, here's the audio cut with no theatrical pauses.

Best of luck Blair! Keep singing!




Blair St. Clair.

Executive Producer: David Charpentier
Produced by: Producer Entertainment Group & Brad Hammer Productions
Directed by: Brad Hammer & Shawn Adeli
Director of Photography: Shawn Adeli
Production Manager: Winston Abalos
Makeup: Kalyd Odeh Hair: Timothy Willy Stylists: William Clark, Kiki Extravaganza Editor: Shawn Adeli Lighting: Justin Madsen PA: Nicholas Monaco


Cast: Blair St. Clair, Max Emerson, Jinkx Monsoon, Manila Luzon, Jody Bradley, Candace Pittman, Jason Kropik, JC Mounduix, JT VanCollie, Jayla Carter, Andrew Kendall, Jayne Clair, Presley Roy, Penny Peyrot, John Walker, Evan Michael Lee, Chris Jorie



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