This week’s Instinct Hottie may be a familiar face. AB Soto is the little papi you want to put in your pocket. A queer music artist, AB’s function complicates the limitations of fashion, functionality and identification. Having developed being a Latin guy in East LA, Soto’s music is normally heavily up to date by both his ties to Mexican lifestyle and his history in dance and style design.

You may recognize AB’s music and certain bops like Cha Cha Bitch.
If you follow AB Soto, you know he likes to give followers a sexy and spicy look at his music, fashions, and that hairy bod. His line, Reina Streetwear, also brings his aesthetic and personality to streetwear so you should definitely check that out.
And if you want to see a little more of AB, his OnlyFans promises to give a closer look at his entire skeleton.

It’s AB’s creativity and Hotboy realness that makes him this week’s Instinct Hottie.
Let’s get to know AB a little closer:
INSTINCT: How did you get into music?
AB SOTO: Originally I worked as a designer after graduating Fashion Design school. I always had a desire to dance so I began taking dance classes in the evenings every day after work. Eventually I quit my job as a designer to dance full time. I then worked as a backup dancer for many years. Ultimately I didn’t see myself represented in the media or the artists I was dancing for, so I knew I had to create my own art. I started choreographing and making music as a way to rebel against a homophobic entertainment industry.
INSTINCT: Who are some of your musical inspirations?
AS: Well, I grew up listening to House music, Gangsta Rap, R & B, and Banda music. All of these genres have some sort of influence on my work. My music inspiration is more about creating a soundtrack for a story or a dance performance. I also get inspiration from 90’s art, which was in my opinion still a pure and less manufactured time in fashion and music.
INSTINCT: Where do you get your style from?
AS: I grew up in East LA so dressing to “pass” was essential for survival. That way of dressing always stayed with me, as I’ve always been into streetwear and street style fashion. Streetwear is deep in culture. I’ve always loved street style from New York and London. Also, I specialized in Mens streetwear in design school and worked for a menswear company straight out of design school.
INSTINCT: What has been one of your most memorable collaborations?
AS: To be honest, I don’t really like collaborations when it comes to music. I avoid them since I have such a specific point of view. But obviously my collab with RuPaul was very magical.

INSTINCT: What has it been like creating adult content?
AS: Great! I’ve always been an openly gay artist and breaking the stereotypes around queer sex is very important for me. Sex is a fun theme found in a lot of my work.
i had a dream last night that i was a dirty little slut, and then i woke up this morning and realized that dreams do come true.
— AB SOTO (@ABSOTOMUSIC) June 24, 2022
INSTINCT: What can people expect from the OnlyFans side of you?
AS: Everything!
INSTINCT: What brings you joy?
AS: Inner peace and creative solitude.
INSTINCT: What do you think is the most attractive part about yourself?
AS: I like to think it’s my wisdom and fearlessness.
INSTINCT: What do you find you are complimented on the most?
AS: My strength as an artist.

INSTINCT: What defines sexy?
AS: Quiet confidence and life experience. Being comfortable in your own skin.
Dads have more fun.
— AB SOTO (@ABSOTOMUSIC) June 16, 2022
INSTINCT: What is your proudest moment in your life thus far?
AS: Graduating college, backpacking thru Europe twice by myself, and staying true to my definition of success.

INSTINCT: What haven’t you accomplished, personally or professionally, that you are wanting to do in the next 2-3 years?
AS: Definitely more music. Good music, we need good music.
the shade is real.
— AB SOTO (@ABSOTOMUSIC) February 24, 2022
INSTINCT: Have you found love? If so, what is the best part of your relationship and what do you love most in your partner(s)?
AS: I’ve been in love many times. I’m currently single and enjoying my space.
your favorite angle.
— AB SOTO (@ABSOTOMUSIC) March 26, 2022
Rapid fire question time:
- What is your all-time favorite movie?
- Party Girl
- Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
- Omg there’s so many, lol
- What is your favorite cheat meal or snack?
- Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream
- Favorite position?
- Me getting head
- If you were stuck on an island for eternity, what music album would you want to have with you?
- Deee-Lite’s Dewdrops in the Garden and Janet Jackson’s Janet album.
INSTINCT: What does it mean to be featured as our Instinct Hottie?
AS: It’s a fun way to inspire others to be more liberated and uninhibited.
bust a nut before taking selfies, it gives you that extra glow. you're welcome.
— AB SOTO (@ABSOTOMUSIC) January 27, 2022
Follow AB Soto on Instagram, Twitter or TikTok for your daily dose of daddy!

I can’t wait until gay hottie of the week is posted each week! Always such hot interesting guys.