ABC’s ‘What Would You Do?’ Explores Anti-LGBTQ Bigotry At Bakeries

Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of an anti-LGBTQ baker in Colorado who refused to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple.


And then this past week, the Oregon state Supreme Court declined to review a ruling against anti-gay bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa for their failure to serve a same-sex couple.

So ABC’s popular What Would You Do? series decided to explore how real-life customers at a bakery would react to a same-sex couple being turned away after shopping for a wedding cake.

In the setup, where an actor plays an anti-LGBTQ baker telling a lesbian couple he won’t sell them a cake, two customers stormed out of the bakery saying, “If you’re not going to serve them, we’re going to take our business elsewhere.”

Another patron scolded the baker, “Don’t impose your personal opinion on a customer.”


A black man who admitted he doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage lectured the baker from a position of equal rights: “Back in the day, just because I’m black, they wouldn’t have allowed me to walk in and sit at one of these tables.”

Watch the segment from ABC News below.

And hang in to the end where there’s a small twist.



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