Adam Rippon’s Olympic Costumes Are Going To The Smithsonian

Adam Rippon will now officially go down in U.S. History with the help of the Smithsonian.


Yesterday, Rippon shared on Instagram that he will be donating his Olympic outfit to the Smithsonian Institute.




The Smithsonian Institute and the American History Museum are government run organizations that archive over 150 million items. With that said, will Rippon’s outfit be up for display and next to the iconic ruby red slippers from the Wizard of Oz like Rippon suggests? Probably not on the latter and maybe not for the former.

Again, the Smithsonian has millions of items in their possession, but only have a few thousand on display for the public to see, the rest are locked away somewhere for safe keeping.

Maybe Rippon’s costume will be placed out in the open sometime in the future? If it gets shown or not may depend on how much of a social impact Rippon continues to have from here on out.

We'll keep our fingers crossed.

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