Virulently anti-LGBT activist Bryan Fischer tried to shade Senator Cory Booker – and the gays – all in one tweet, and it didn’t go well.
In tweeting about Booker’s recently announced bid to become the 2020 Democratic candidate for president, Fischer tweaked the title of an article from Politico which pondered if America “is ready for a single president?”
For clarity, we’ll just acknowledge the fact that America has already elected two presidents who took office as bachelors, Grover Cleveland and Jame Buchanan.
Fischer wrote, “The better question: is America ready for a homosexual president? If Cory Booker turns out to be gay, he is disqualified. Cannot have a man who engages in sexually deviant behavior in the White House.”
"Is America Ready for a Single President?" The better question: is America ready for a homosexual president? If Cory Booker turns out to be gay, he is disqualified. Cannot have a man who engages in sexually deviant behavior in the White House. @politicomag
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) February 10, 2019
First of all, America already has Donald “Grab’em by the p*ssy” Trump in the Oval Office, so Fischer is a little late for throwing the term ‘sexually deviant behavior’ around.
Second, Cory Booker has publicly stated he is not gay, and whether he is or isn't is none of our business.
In a recent interview with The Breakfast Club, he shared that he has ‘a boo.’ Several media outlets, like People Magazine, have reported that he’s seeing actress Rosario Dawson.
Third, the Democrats have an openly gay candidate running for president, Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana.
And finally, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that disqualifies someone LGBT from being president.
To be eligible to become president one must be at least 35 years of age, a resident within the United States for 14 years, and a natural born Citizen.
Nothing in the Constitution states gays are ‘disqualified’ from the presidency.
Fischer works for the American Family Association, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. He’s used the organization’s website and radio network to attack the LGBT community for years.
A short list of his outrageous and extremist views about LGBTs include blaming gay men for the Holocaust, calling for criminalizing homosexuality, and that LGBT people are the biggest perpetrators of hate crimes.
In any case, the Twitterverse did not hesitate to clap back at the 67-year-old hater.
Many made a point to mention James Buchanan, while others reacted to his being ‘ratioed’ with the number of comments to his tweet (over 9,000) far outweighing his ‘Likes’ (only 771 at this writing).
Here’s just a sample of the shade thrown Fischer’s way:
Hey Bryan—I’ve got the 19th century on the line, they’re Looking for you. And socialism is unbiblical? Missed that lecture in my 12 years in Catholic school
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) February 11, 2019
Jesus: 33, never married, traveled w/ 12 men—big, strapping, salt-of-the-earth types. Had a special fondness for John, his favorite disciple, with whom he liked to lie. His last words were for His mom to love John as her own son, a wish usually reserved for one’s spouse.
— Greg Olear (@gregolear) February 10, 2019
1. We previously had single presidents (Cleveland and Buchanan).
2. We previously had three Presidents rumored to be gay (Washington, Jefferson & again Buchanan).
See also:
— Jim Parrillo (@jimparrillo) February 11, 2019
I've got this document you should read – the Constitution. It's gonna blow your mind, man.
— John Iadarola (@johniadarola) February 11, 2019
All of you old, backwards, out of touch fragile men are just not dying off fast enough. Unfortunately. The future is bright, as younger generations are better adjusted & inclusive. #GoAway #OldWhiteMen
— just grace (@graceNC4) February 11, 2019
In that case, a president who brags about sexual assault should be disqualified then. Thanks for clearing that up.
— Onapack (@Onapack) February 11, 2019
This is bad. Trump cheated on wife post baby with porn star and paid her off. Take your fake morals outta here
— Mitchell Fink (@themitchellfink) February 11, 2019
Bet there's a rainbow-hued skeleton in this guy's closet.
— Sandra L (@lilysecret42) February 11, 2019
This 12:1 ratio might embarass a smarter man.
— It's Pok! (@mastershalum) February 11, 2019
— MsCjay (@MsCjay) February 11, 2019
— Lawrence Crystal (@PantonSociety) February 11, 2019
I'm just here for the ratio
— Aloy Shepard vas Tempest (@ghezbora) February 11, 2019
LBJ????? Who’d wanna knock
LBJ????? Who'd wanna knock boots with LBJ???? I wouldn't do LBJ with Lincoln's junk.
Bryan Fischer is so fixated
Bryan Fischer is so fixated on gays that he sends my gaydar screeching like a barn owl.
What Nonsense! James
What Nonsense! James Buchanan was gay, and there have been rumors about Martin van Buren, Abraham Lincoln, even JFK, LBJ and Obama! Get over it!