Are All Judges This Hot? NY Law Judge Fired For After Work Escapades

photo via instagram, @gregoryalocke

We know justice is blind but this is going too far! Gregory Locke, 33, a city administrative law judge just got fired when the big brass found out about his other job. That other job where Locke describes himself as,

“white collar professional by day…very unprofessional by night. always amateur, always raw, always slutty.”




Yes like most handsome, hot, hung (just guessing…) gays these days Locke has an OnlyFans account. According to the NY Post, Locke “charges fans 12 bucks a month on the platform and has produced more than 100 posts since he opened an account in November 2020. Locke’s account contained dozens of images and videos featuring hardcore pornography, orgies, and instances of him drinking the contents of what appear to be used condoms.” 

After his firing reports are surfacing about his apparent “lack of professionalism” on the job. The day job that is. Last Sunday he clapped back at New York City Councilwoman Vickie Palladino after she tried coming for a Drag Queen Story Hour held at The LGBT Center in the West Village telling her to “choke on a dick.”

He also tweeted that Mayor Eric Adams, “can suck my c**t” when the politician said, “I can’t separate my belief because I’m an elected official. When I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them.” 


I mean Locke isn’t wrong on either of these, maybe his wording wasn’t the best. Adams is a shit mayor, almost as bad as DeBlasio and DeBlasio was the worst of the worst. 



Locke definitely has more fans with the big brass at his side hustle. Dominic Ford, founder of JustForFans said, “This performer has the opportunity to be earning over $100,000 a year if he posted more content.” Maybe this has been Locke’s plan from the get-go. Who wants to sit in a stuffy office adjudicating parking tickets when you can pull in six figures having sex with hot mans? The ‘judge-by-day porn star-by-night’ moniker is now his and the publicity he is getting can only drive the thirsty and the curious to his OnlyFans.

No word yet on whether Locke will fight for his day job back, but today the bespectacled hunk is living his best life in Vegas. With Adele. REPRESENT! We here at Instinct are Team Locke all the way!









(**This post is solely the opinion of this contributing writer and may not reflect the opinion of other writers, staff and owners of Instinct Magazine.)

Source: NY Post

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