It is clear that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is doing less so he doesn’t confuse anyone. Why be more wordy with rules and regulations? Why do we need to restore guidelines prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ individuals? They’re just extra words, may be confusing to people, and therefore are just unnecessary.
Mike Quigley (U.S. Representative from Illinois) took his time on the microphone recently during a House Appropriations meeting to try and clear up Carson’s stance on why in 2016 the current president’s administration dropped rules barring the discrimination against LGBTQ individuals at homeless shelters.
Quigley opened up by mentioning some disturbing figures:
- 40% of homeless youth in the United States are LGBTQ
- LGBT Youth are 120% more likely to become homeless
- LGBTQ Homeless are more likely to be discriminated against in homeless shelters.
You may forget those facts by the end of the Quigley – Carson exchange for I think I lost some grey matter and some hair.
You can watch the tweeted video below (12-16 refers to 2012 and 2016 policies), but I would recommend getting some caffeine ready for Carson is human NyQuil. Also just realize that Ben just doesn’t want to do anything too strenuous as to think of others.
Get ready for Carson’s statements of:
You would dislike the subregulatory guidance that would be put up and this provides you with considerably more freedom.
and then…
The rules that are there allow the people to have a non-discriminatory atmosphere – that’s what we are trying to achieve.
but we love Quigley’s final statement:
We are now more stupid than when we came in the room today.
Watch my full exchange with @SecretaryCarson here
— Mike Quigley (@RepMikeQuigley) April 3, 2019
Do you believe Carson when he says that putting regulations back in would do more harm than good?
Do you think the ones that other desired would be more anti-LGBT than doing nothing and leaving it all as is?
Have you been homeless before and dealt with discriminations in shelters?