Bi Senator Kyrsten Sinema Goes Viral For Wigging Mike Pence Out

(From left) Mike Pence and Kyrsten Sinema swear in Mark Kelly into the U.S. Senate. / Image via C-SPAN

We now have another reason to love the many LGBTQ politicians in office across the USA. There’s more people to openly mock Mike Pence!

In an act reminiscent of when U.S. Senator Doug Jones’ gay son gave Pence side-eye while at his father’s swearing-in, Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Arizona) trolled Pence, and unsafe Americans during COVID times, at a similar event. Sinema, who is openly bisexual, was present to help Mark Kelly be sworn in as Arizona’s second Democratic senator. Specifically, Sinema held the bible for Kelly. Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence led Kelly in swearing his oath.


But what made the moment go viral on Twitter? Sinema was wearing a purple wig and a Zebra coat. On top of that, Sinema gave Pence a similar glare to the one Carson Jones gave Pence in 2018.

Related: Arizona Poised To Elect First Openly Bi US Senator


While the glare is pretty self-explanatory, considering the Vice President’s anti-gay policy-making throughout his political career, what was the reason for Simena’s outfit? Well, it was a response to the dangerous practices of U.S. citizens during the coronavirus pandemic. As the New York Daily News reports, the senator wore the clothing to raise awareness about taking trips to the hairdresser. Since this past Spring, Sinema has been wearing a $13 wig to highlight the risk of going to a hair salon.

With that “glare,” that coat, and that wig, Sinema sparked a train of tweets online.



We love a viral moment!

Source: New York Daily News,

1 thought on “Bi Senator Kyrsten Sinema Goes Viral For Wigging Mike Pence Out”

  1. She is just a money grubbing opportunist who uses her bisexuality as a badge of courage. But screwing over the democrats who are trying to pass a bill to help all Americans she plays her shithead games. I say to the LGBTQ she is hurting your cause more then helping it. I believe the democrats in Arizona should vote for the Republican candidate. The quicker the people of Arizona learn she is just out for herself the better off they will be.


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