Brazilian Bishop Calls Homosexuality “Gift From God”

A Brazilian Bishop has called homosexuality “a gift from God.”


Bishop Antonio Carlos Cruz Santos of Caico said in a homily on July 30th that has garnered a lot of reactions since then. He followed up the homily with an official statement, saying he was trying to “save lives.”

Cruz was listening to a radio interview and heard about the high rate of suicide for Transgender individuals and was moved to make a statement that might help save lives for anyone who identifies as LGBT.

Cruz explained his reasoning: “If it is not a choice, if it is not a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a gift.” He argues that prejudice, “a concept before an experience,” is what is blinding the Church to full acceptance of LGBT people. The remarks were made to be pastoral and not challenge the Catechism.

Pope Francis appointed Cruz in 2014. Since his remarks, people have called for the Vatican to respond. As of yet, there has been no official response to Cruz’ remarks.


I have many friends who are LGBT and religious in one form or another. It’s great to see the Church slowly start become more accepting. My hope is that one day it will be fully accepting, if for no other reason than to help the generations that come. 

Hear his remarks from the homily below:

H/T: Crux

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