“Canada’s Drag Race” Unleashes Boa-This Outspoken Queen Says Of Her Experience” I Was Doing What I Loved With People That I Love”

Canada’s Drag Race has unleashed a whole new crop of dolls into the world, but if anyone stands out, it’s Boa. This one of a kind and outrageously vocal performer walked into the Canada’s Drag Race workroom with plenty to prove, and prove it she did. From outrageous performances to inventive runway looks, this doll clearly was here to compete. While she departed the competition after a stunning lip sync against Ilona Verley, Boa chatted with me about her Drag Race experience, speaking out on personal experiences and her multitude of plans post-Drag Race


Michael Cook: You came into the Canada’s Drag Race workroom and didn’t just surprise your fellow competitors, but you let them know that you were a force to be reckoned with. If someone has not had the Boa experience, how would you describe it?


Boa: I would definitely say out of the box, campy, I can do it all. Glam, I am very versatile is what I like to say. I like beautiful and I like pretty drag, but I just think that it is hard to pinpoint one style that I really am, you know?

MC: Point noted; I mean, it would probably be hard pressed to find a queen that can pull off potatoes as breasts.

B: Yes! And THEN get top in Episode 1 because of it (laughs)! 



MC: What was it like being part of the first cast of Canada’s Drag Race?

B: You know, I didn’t realize how big it was going to be until the announcement. Then having some of the American and UK Drag Race girls DM me and comment on my photos and welcome me to the family and say “welcome to the sisterhood” was amazing. It is definitely crazy to think about how huge it is, it was such an experience and it was the first season. Canadian television does not have the best track record when it comes to spin offs, so for it to be so amazing is really great. It really speaks volumes about the producers and the queens and the entire team. We are such a family. Many of the girls did not expect the show to be as big as it has been and as well received as it has been.

MC: They also did not expect to be getting their premiere on American television either!

B: No, I didn’t, not at all. I thought I was applying to My 600-lb Life not Canada’s Drag Race (laughs)!



MC: Who did you hear from from the US Drag Race queens that completely was mind boggling to you?

B: Willam would comment on my photos and Trinity the Tuck liked one of my photos recently and I was gagged, I love her. Of course, some of the Season 12 girls like Jackie Cox and Jan and Brita were being really welcoming.



MC: What was the entire Canada’s Drag Race experience like as a whole?

B: I will tell you this, walking into the workroom for the first time, I don’t think I have ever had so much adrenaline pumping through my veins in my entire life. It was crazy, it was…Oh My God! I get worked up even thinking about it. It was really something and the whole experience was really great. What stressed me out the most was the lead up, before I went away to do the show. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into and I was just anxious all the time. I was just so stressed until I got there, but then when I got there I had a really great time. I met so many amazing people, I had fun doing the challenges, and I was busy a lot. I was doing what I love to do with people that I loved. Even though I had just met some of the people, they are really amazing queens and we built really strong relationships.

MC: Many of the girls seemed to have pre-conceived notions about you and your drag from the moment you hit the door. Was it satisfying knowing this and then being able to go into a competition with them on the same level and truly show then what you could do?

B: Oh, absolutely! A lot of my life and especially with my drag career, people have been underestimating me. I have been shit on quite a few times and I have always used those experiences to make positivity for myself. I like using negativity and making it into a positive. I had some stepping stones the past few years that I have used, and I have turned negatives into positives and it has gotten me there. Now, I was there and these girls were underestimating me and I stayed true to myself and enjoyed the ride. And I hopefully gagged some of them! (Laughs).



MC: You are a fun loving queen and person, but you truly showed some vunerability when you openly discussed being assaulted. Was that something you went into the competition willing to discuss or was it something you were hoping would not come up while you were there?

B: Going into it, we all have our own stories to tell. I knew that if it did come up, I would talk about it. This is another platform that I am on, it takes my drag and my story to another level. If it was able to talk about it and the opportunity arises and I could talk about it, then I would talk about it. Hopefully, I could help people and some people could see my story and possibly see themselves in me a little bit. Perhaps they are going through the same type of struggles and hopefully my story will help them.

MC: Now that the experience is over, where do you see the trajectory of your career going now?


Well right now we are not going too far with Covid-19, but that’s okay. I definitely want to tour and see as many beautiful cities as possible. I want to perform in lots of amazing venues and meet lots of amazing fans. I want to do music, I want to do more photo shoots, hopefully videos, all of it.


MC: The fandom of Drag Race can be extremely vocal, and you are in a unique spot, being a spin-off of the original series. What has your experience been with the fandom so far?

B: The fandom has been amazing. They are so passionate about drag and the show and they put a lot of emotion into the show. When they are pissed about something, they let us know and that is fine. I see a lot of positivity come to my inbox. If I see negative comments, I don’t focus on it; all the positivity comes right to me, that is where I focus. I try to respond to as many people as I can and it has been an amazing ride so far.


MC: What have you been doing during quarantine to stay creatively fueled?

B: I have been doing a lot of photo shoots, and some behind the scenes stuff. A lot of social media stuff, which has been great. I can’t really do too much, but photo shoots and video shoots that you will be see coming out in the short term. 

“Canada’s Drag Race” airs on WOW Presents Plus & Crave. It also airs on Monday nights on Logo (check local listings)

Follow Boa on her Instagram 

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