At first, I wasn’t sure if this was a joke or not, but it seems like it’s the real deal. Two guys from Toronto have grabbed the men’s swimsuit world by the balls, literally, with a new suit called the Brokini. Chad Sasko and Taylor Field launched the brand new bathing suit venture described as a bikini for men.
In some ways, this is not a new thing if you consider what men’s bathing suits looked like in the 1920s. They seemed quite similar to the Brokini, only with two symmetrical shoulder straps instead of one strap going across to a single shoulder.
Sasko and Field want the world to know their new creation is not a novelty. Nor is it meant to be funny, even if it does resemble the infamous, electric lime, often-parodied “mankini” worn by Sacha Baron Cohen in the comedy film, Borat.
Sasko and Field recently interviewed with blogTO, sharing that their inspiration behind the suit was the wrestling leotard:
“We started going to bachelor parties and wearing crazy bathing suits, and then we actually saw a wrestling leotard online and thought, ‘Hey, that could maybe be a bathing suit,'” he said.
One drawback the designers note is wrestling leotards are usually somewhat transparent, so you would end up showing everybody on the beach your junk – not that scores of gay men would have a problem with that. However, for the mainstream market, the duo had to add a lining. They’ve put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, and spent over five thousand dollars to bring their vision (or nightmare) to life.
Personally, I would love to rock the see-through version because I’m a freak like that. As for the rest of you, what do you think? Are you ready to rule the sands with your junk hoisted up into what looks a lot like an over-sized slingshot?
Well, summer’s not over yet, so there’s still time to add this shoulder-strapped re-imagined banana hammock to your summer style.
Go ahead and be a brave head-turner in your new, sexy, ball-wrangling Brokini!
Swing on over to blogTO for more about the brokini and cruise the goods at Brokini.com