Good for Chella Man.
Internet personality and Teen Titans actor Chella Man recently release a new video. In the three-minute short film, titled The Beauty of Being Deaf, Man celebrates the joys of being deaf or hard of hearing. For Chella Man – who is deaf and became famous for recording YouTube videos of their transition as a transgender/genderqueer artist and activist – celebrating their life as a deaf person helped them to prosper and grow. With that, releasing a video about the joys of being deaf seems like a no-brainer.
In the video, Man, along with fellow deaf artists Raven Sutten and Rayly Aquino, is seen signing underwater.
The group signs, “When you think of beauty… you’re not taught to think of me… In the face of prejudice, we gain strength. Other senses heightened, coming together to form a dynamic perspective of life we will always carry.”
The message then transitions into one of hope and triumph over strife.
“This expertise, this deaf gain that we are all granted come together to form community, culture, establishing a continuum of people who are different… yet connected,” they sign.
In unison with the message and spirit of the video, The Beauty Of Being Deaf is a project to honor National Deaf History Month, which spans March 13 to April 15. And, the film also announces a new line of ear jewelry made by Man and Private Policy New York. The collection includes eight golden earpieces, which are now available for preorder.
We want to wish all of our deaf or hard of hearing readers a wonderful, fulfilling, and enriching National Deaf History Month. There are many stories yet to be told but full of vibrancy and life. And as Man says at the end of the video, “How beautiful is it to be able to communicate underwater?”