Another chapter in the Drag Queen Storytime haters chronicles is currently taking place in the city of Chula Vista, California. The Chula Vista Library has a scheduled Drag Queen Storytime on September 10th that has been making news since dozens of protesters have shown their distaste for the library’s decision to hold such an event.

KTLA reported live from outside the Chula Vista Library where protestors from conservative group MassResistance has rallied and called for the program’s cancellation all week.
One protestor, Arthur Schaper said:
We’re here to ensure the Drag Queen story hour is canceled here in Chula Vista. We want it to be shut down all over the country. This is a perverse, destructive program pushing lies.
What people think goes on at a Drag Queen Storytime is beyond me, but as a librarian who has been assisting with the organization of these types of event for almost two years, the mission is to share the message of acceptance and the love for literacy—no matter who you are. These events became popular in libraries and literary spaces a few years ago and have been creating major waves in communities across the nation. Earlier this year, a man even walked into a Houston Public Library armed just minutes before their scheduled Drag Queen Storytime program.
Steve Padilla, an openly gay councilmember from Chula Vista who has had his share of controversy this year, shared in a statement:

According to the Chula Vista Library’s website, the event is free for all ages and was originally scheduled at the Otay Ranch Library. The site reads, “Join us for a drag queen storytime at the library! Learn the history of drag while encouraging acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are! Celebrate LGBTQ+ pride with stories, crafts, and dancing.” Nowhere does it say indoctrination.
Despite threats and spreading of hate speech by protestors, the city of Chula Vista will move forward with their planned Drag Queen Storytime with local drag queens. In fact, there has been so much positive support thanks to the protesting that the event will have to move to a larger venue at the system’s Central Library:
Library staff and patrons are in for a very enriching experience, but should be extra aware of individuals who will stop at nothing to make sure the library puts an end to the program. Drag Queen Storytime events became popularized by San Francisco-based non-profit RADAR Productions, which offers resources and toolkits for organizations looking to hold similar events of their own.
Source: KTLA