Church Minister Says We Should Pray That Prince George Is Gay

Rev Kelvin Holdsworth is a senior minister and provost of St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow, Scotland.


Holdsworth is a big supporter of LGBTQ people. He has participated in Pride Marches and he’s an equality campaigner. Thing is, he may have gone a little far with his latest announcement of support for us.

News is circulating that Rev Holdsworth said if Prince George grew up to be gay, it would help change attitudes towards gay people. As such, we should all pray that he does.

Holdsworth made this statement about hoping that the prince will be “blessed with the love of a fine young gentleman” through a blog post he wrote back in January of this year.


The argument was that there needs to be more LGBTQ inclusion in Christianity, and if no one wanted to support LGBTQ people through campaigning they can do it by praying comfortably in their home.

“If people don’t want to engage in campaigning in this way, they do in England have another unique option, which is to pray in the privacy of their hearts (or in public if they dare) for the Lord to bless Prince George with a love, when he grows up, of a fine young gentleman.”

“A royal wedding might sort things out remarkably easily though we might have to wait 25 years for that to happen. Who knows whether that might be sooner than things might work out by other means?”


Keep in mind, Rev. Holdsworth's comment was meant more as a joke and last effort of getting participation from the Christian community.

That said, Prince George of Cambridge is only four years old. Yes, he’s the son of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, which makes him third in line for the throne. But, he’s still just a child.

Plus, we should just respect the poor boy and allow him to grow up and love whomever he wants. We shouldn’t be hoping he swings one way to help politics. If we do, don’t we become another form of our opposition?

Jokes aside, let’s let the boy live, love, and see what happens in time.

2 thoughts on “Church Minister Says We Should Pray That Prince George Is Gay”

  1. It is interesting , when the

    It is interesting , when the shoe is on the other foot .. how people all of a sudden want to let him be who he is .. while normally from birth, boys around the world are not only assumed to be str8 .. but they're bought all the stereotypical accessories of gender color, gender toys and gender posters for his room .. if he has a friend who happens to be a girl it's all "woahhh look at him .. he's a lady killer .. he's gonna have to fight em away " .. it sets up a child to hate themselves as soon as they realize that their parents, and societies expectations are not going to be met .. I wish we'd let kids grow up naturally .. 

  2. Okay but straight people do

    Okay but straight people do this to children *all the fucking time,* every time a little boy and girl are friends or any time an infant boy responds positively to attention from women everyone’s like oooooh what a ladies man.

    so yeah I hope he meets a nice guy and they’re happy together lol 


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