Conversations With Coco Coming To TV With Your Help.

My friends and I have seen Miss Coco Peru up and down the east coast, from Ogunquit, Maine to  Provincetown, Massachusetts to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Some day I would love to see her in Los Angeles, but until then, I will have to wait for her to reappear on this side of the continental divide.  BUT …  if we all join together, a Coco Peru sighting might be as easy as turning on your television.


Coco has created a Kickstarter to see if her fans would like to help her take "Conversations with Coco" to the small screen.  Yes, Coco on the television.  Watch the video below and then read a statement Coco posted on her Facebook page today.






Thank you to the 160 something people who have backed my Kickstarter campaign. I am so grateful for your support. However, to all my other Coco Puffs, according to Kickstarter’s math and formulas I am already behind! So now there is a real possibility of pulling the plug as early as this Monday!

I’d love to have the opportunity to create a TV show that celebrates our community and our relationship to certain icons of ours, like Lily Tomlin, while also continuing to raise funds for the LA LGBT Center’s programs with this show. It could be a win-win for all involved, but only with your help.

I have over 80,000 fans on Facebook alone, and if everyone just gave a dollar, this would be funded!

And so help me God, if I do cancel this Kickstarter, no one is ever allowed to ask me ever again, "Coco, why don't you have your own TV show?" EVER!

If you’d like to see my face potentially on TV in your living room, I hope you’ll consider backing Conversations With Coco and please spread the word encouragingly!

And please visit the campaign and let everyone know! Thank you!

So if you are so compelled, head on over to Coco's Kickstarter Page and give her your two cents, well hopefully more than two cents.  Actually, scan down the list of pledges / rewards.  There are some great ones on this list for values from $1.00 to $500.00.  A couple of the $100.00 are very enticing!

Instinct loves you Coco.  Let's hope this helps.




This for-profit media project is inspired by a show created at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Funds raised on Kickstarter will go toward producing the Conversations with Coco pilot and won't go to charity. The Center will receive a portion of all series profits after the show is produced.

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