Cruz, Graham, Bannon, DeSantis Gaetz Get Beat To The Gods

Cruz, Graham, Bannon

Are you afraid of AI?  Artificial Intelligence will change the world we live in.  There is no doubt about that and it already has started. The thought of AI altering how we live can be scary for some, but before the robots take over, let’s have some fun.

What pops up on my facebook today?  One of the best AI uses so far. 


RuPublicans on Instagram used AI to transform today’s most powerful fascists into powerful drag queens. Incredible work! Spread the love and give them a follow.

Maybe this post should have a soundtrack.  May we suggest hitting play on this Laverne Cox song from 2018 – “BeaT For The Gods”

Okay, AI is in control, background music is on, so without further delay, here are are worst political minds skulls of today with the RuPaul treatment. Be sure to flip through all the options as most have 3 or more visuals. Way to overachieve AI!


1. Anita Filibust-Her (Mitch McConnell)

2. Cruzela Deville (Ted Cruz)


3. Lady Graham Cracker (Lindsey Graham)


4. Claretta Corrupta (Clarence Thomas)


5. Bombshell Bannon (Steve Bannon)

6. Hawl About Me (Josh Hawley)


7. Speaker Sparklebottom (Kevin McCarthy)


8. Rhonda Shanty (Ron DeSantis)


9. Mother Pence (Mike Pence)

10. Rudy Garland (Rudy Giuliani)


Dishonorable Mention – Matt Gaetz


Let’s face it, they’re all missed congeniality, but the AI had us saying okuuuuuuuurrr at a couple of them.  They tried with Pence, but I think that might be the biggest miss. 

We’re going to keep following RuPublicans on Instagram and hope there are more updates soon! 

Screenshot 2023 04 10 at 8.33.16 PM

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