New David Beckham Shoot Puts the “Ooohh” in Soccer

David Beckham
Credit: Instagram, BOSS

David Beckham at almost 50 looks better than most of us in our 30s. No, I’m not jealous. Not at all…

Recently it was announced that the soccer (football, in some territories) icon has become the face of BOSS One Bodywear Collection.


BOSS is one of the biggest German manufactures in the world, whose clothing and accessory brands grossed billions of dollars last year. 

I’m sure they’ll make much more than that in 2025 thanks to making David Beckham their brand ambassador. 

Let’s take a look at some of the campaign photos below. 


Posh Spice: David Beckham is a “Love Machine” – Instinct Magazine 

The 49-year-old tells The Hollywood Reporter: “I once said that my body wear modeling days had come to an end, but when Boss shared their ambition for the range and brought in my good friends Mert and Marcus to shoot the campaign with their brilliant creative ideas, I simply couldn’t refuse.”

And, really, I think we need to thank Beckham’s wife, Victoria (AKA Posh Spice), for always supporting her husband in these endeavors. She does a lot to boost his self-confidence, I’m sure. 


Now let’s take a look at the promotional video the soccer stud shared on Instagram.

Who is David Beckham? 

David is often hailed as one of the greatest right wingers of all time, especially in the United Kingdom and also throughout the world. 


He’s most known for playing for teams and organizations including Manchester United, Real Madrid, LA Galaxy, Premier League and FA CUP. 

David Beckham also owns to soccer leagues of his very own. The accomplished model also frequently appears on reality TV and lends his talents to the world of acting on occasion. Did anyone see him in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword? 

Credit: Instagram, BOSS
Credit: Instagram, BOSS

Normally I would ask for comments on David Beckham, his career in sports, and if you own any BOSS brand clothing. Instead, I’m going to ask you to look at the two photos above and let me know your opinion: black or white? 

I’m going with white, simply because of the pose and the way he’s sitting… Ooph. 

Source: The Hollywood Reporter