One day in particular, I was sitting at work and my phone began to alert me of text messages from a random phone number. It was a long message about how “God hates my sin,” “I was on a dangerous path,” “to Beware! Repent, and ask God to forgive me,” and that I needed to “stay away from Mattel.” Such messages continued and were followed by screen shots of our home address and Google Earth images of our house. Talk about trying to be intimidated. Yes, if you are wondering – I called the police and we put in a security system with cameras immediately after. This time around I used the hate as fuel to keep going. Nothing was going to stop me from meeting with Mattel.
The following month, Nick and would get in our car with a presentation in tow and drive to Los Angeles to meet with the Barbie team at Mattel Headquarters. We were welcomed into the “Barbie Family” and met with an incredible group of women including Kim Culmone, Mattel’s SVP and Head of Design. For what is to come from that meeting, all I can say right now is – stay tuned! Before Nick and I left Mattel, we took a picture with the big Barbie logo above us.
I remember looking at Nick, smiling and grabbing his hand. We knew this picture would represent so much.
May 25th later arrived and after 11 years together, Nick and I became husband and husband. Our two nieces stood by our side just like the “Same Sex Barbie Wedding Set” we had created months earlier. We were also the first same sex couple to ever get married at The Scottsdale Resort in Arizona. It was obviously a day we will never forget and one we hope brought positive attention to marriage equality and the LGBTQ community. The shy-scrawny-Barbie playing-bullied kid would have never imagined.
For all the young people of the LGBTQ community, I am here to tell you that you matter and your voice matters. I encourage you to use it in the most purposeful way. You are a leader in your own right and will be the leaders of love of our future. Hate can hit us in our early ages and make its way into our adult life, but the strength within each of us is powerful enough to be used for good. Share your story, get others to stand up, fight for justice, and use your determination to make a difference in the world. I believe in you!
With Love & Gratitude,
Matt Jacobi-Caprio