The mother of an Australian man who died after injecting silicone into his penis and testicles says her son’s boyfriends manipulated him to his dying breath.
Linda Chapman, the mother of Jack “Tank” Hafertepen, has filed a lawsuit in King County, Washington along with her other son Ben. The lawsuit is against Dylan Hafertepen, Daniel Balderas Hafertepen, Charles Osborn, Matthew Scott, and Philip Myers. The complaint alleges the wrongful death, negligence of, intentional infliction of emotional distress to, and civil conspiracy against Chapman’s son.
Tank and Dylan ran a series of Tumblr blog accounts that chronicled his life, relationship, and sexual exploits with their other lovers. As a part of the polyamorous relationship, Dylan acted as the “master” and the rest acted as his submissive “pups.” Each of the pups agreed to follow Dylan’s orders as a requirement to stay in the group.
One of the other factors of the group is that they idolized larger bodies. As such, they did anything to get bigger. From lifting weights multiple times a day to carbo-loading constantly. But the worst thing committed by the group was injecting their genitalia with saline to temporarily enlarge them. As is proven by Hafertepen’s death to a pulmonary embolism, choosing to inject your genitalia with saline or silicone can be a lethal, and illegal, mistake.

According to Linda and Ben Chapman’s legal complaint, Dylan never notified them of her son’s hospitalization or even death. Linda did not hear of her son’s death until a week later.
“We filed this suit to bring some closure and resolution. One of the most important parts to her will be discovery. She wants to know what happened,” said the Chapmans’ lawyer Joe Murphy. “Why was she never called?”
Lastly, the Chapmans claim that Dylan and the pups forced the alteration of Tank’s will. Three weeks before the death, a new will was made that left everything, including $200,000 from Jack’s father, to Dylan. Linda alleges that Jack always intended to leave the money to his autistic brother but Dylan claimed the money in an Australian court back in June.
Now, Linda is trying to challenge the will in court. By filing this lawsuit, she hopes to prevent Charles Osborn, one of the pups, from acting as the executor of the will. By being a defendant in a wrongful death case, Osborn could be rendered ineligible to man the will.
According to Murphy, he and his clients hope to hold Dylan and the pups accountable for Tank’s death.
“They robbed her of her right to be his mother,” said Murphy.
Sources: Aazios, The Daily Beast
Can you please do this man justice by using his given name, Jack. Not the name given to him by his abuser. This is not cool.