When we wrote about all the hot men invited to last month’s royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle—we might have missed one!

It seems that one of the royal horse cavalry guards, Dan Broughton, went under our radar. Perhaps it was all the beautiful regalia! A member of the Household Cavalry, Broughton, is a plumed and gold-helmeted mounted royal escort—and he’s gay!
Radar reports:
It’s never been a secret that Broughton is gay. In fact, he’s believed to be a pal of Harry, who “has even described Dan as his ‘GBF’ — gay best friend,” a royal insider noted.
But that’s not the news!
The thing that really makes Broughton special is that not only is he a noble gentleman who is at the doorstep of British high society, but he is also one of Britain’s busiest gay porn stars. He goes by Dirty Danny—and he’s very dirty.
And don’t take this as an outing of his career, nor are we knocking his choice of extra-curricular activities—Dan Broughton open about being a part of the British military and an “International Commercial and Erotica Model” per his Twitter profile. He was also Mr. Gay UK and a lover of Geography & Flight.
Ooooh, a gentleman AND a scholar!
Okay, but back to porn.
Broughton’s NSFW UKNakedMen.com profile describes him as:
A total charmer. It’s not just lust when you meet Daniel Broughton, you will fall a teeny bit in love. He’s from the north of England, they’re friendly up there. He’s flirtatious, completely versatile and has a bit of a thing for older guys and straight boys.
You see? There’s no shame in Dan Broughton’s game he wears his Dirty Danny persona like a badge of honor.
And if you need more proof, check out his NSFW images at English Lads and men.com
Dirty Danny, we salute you!
h/t: Radar
The photo of Danny atop his
The photo of Danny atop his stallion is absolutely breathtaking. Those of us who know something about Warrior history (I am a US MIL Veteran) know that many of the great Warriors throughout history were/are homosexual or bisexual. The Spartans are the most famous. Napoleon was bisexual. Danny Broughton in his Guards' uniform sets a standard of excellence and beauty that honors the Warrior class of men. Kudos, Danny. I'd ride ya anytime.
Man, this guy is really hot!
Man, this guy is really hot!