Do All Drag Queens Think The Same?

Screenshot via YouTube @Jubilee

Jubilee is back again with another video depicting the complexities within communities.

Like Cut, Jubilee is a YouTube channel and production studio that creates videos expressing the complexities of the human experience through both games and serious conversations. From highlighting judgments within groups through the Odd Man Out series, to discussing serious issues in Middle Ground, and having people from the same walks of life talking about how they differ in Spectrum.


In the latter video category, people of the same community or identities such as Trump Supporters, Women, Men, Asian-Americans, Black People, Teen Moms, Christians, Adult film stars, and even members of the Jubilee channel discuss issues concerning their community. In Jubilee’s latest video, 5 Drag Queens and one Drag King got together to talk about the misconception of drag life and being trans, family support, drag and gender expression, inclusivity, self-love, and more.

One important part of the conversation gave us a look into how LGBTQ youths are still harmed by unsupportive families. Despite what Shawn Mendes may think, LGBTQ youths very likely to be rejected by their families. In fact, 40% of homeless & runaway youths are LGBTQ.


For Eddie D-Lite, this statistic is, unfortunately, a relatable one.

“At the age of seventeen, I got thrown out of my house by my mother on my birthday, when they found out I was gay. And ever since then, they haven’t supported me up to this day,” she shared.

But not all of the stories were as sad.

“I started drag a year and some change ago, and I didn’t post anything on Facebook or anything like that until about 3 months in because I was afraid of it,” explained Kornbread. “And then my brother, who is the one that I kinda argue with a lot, was the first person to actually share my pictures and was like, ‘Keep it going’ and like ‘I’m proud of you and everything.’ And then from there, all of my family followed suit. Probably ‘cause they think I’m gonna get rich from it, and they want money, but….”

If you want to watch the rest of the video, and here more talk between the 6 drag performers, you can do so down below.

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