Who do you give to during this time of year? Being gay, I'm often reminded by friends who NOT to give money to ever. One of those is the Salvation Army. But aren't they better now? Didn't they jump on the gay bandwagon?
The Salvation Army engaged in an epic public relations crusade last year. They announced to the world they now serve all people… even the gays! Unfortunately, according to leaked documents revealed by Queerty.com, every ring of the Salvation Army bell still signals hate, every dollar dropped into their little red kettles still supports discrimination.
Sadly, The Salvation Army’s definition of ‘all’ does not include teachers and officers employed by their organization. The Salvation Army discriminates against their own as follows:
1) The organization has declared that marriage is between one man and one woman. Non-married people are to remain celibate. Since homosexual teachers and officers are denied their civil right to marry, they are forbidden from being intimate with each other.
2) Salvation Army ministers are banned from marrying same-sex couples.
3) Salvation Army officers may attend same-sex weddings, but are not to wear the official organization uniform while doing so.
4) If you break any of these rules… you’re fired.
If you stand against LGBT discrimination, you’ll want to bypass the red kettle this year and give elsewhere. Drop a little note in the kettle that says “I stand against LGBT H8” and take your charitable giving somewhere else. – addictinginfo.org

So when you see pictures like the ones above, do you say, "Good! Now I can save my money and not feel guilty about not donating." But is that the right answer? During this season, I'm more focused on those around me, but maybe I should look for those that lack a loving family, lack the ability to celebrate the holidays, or those that are in need of the bare basics.
One of my friends posted that he and his partner were donating to New Alternatives NYC this year. Here is charity's mission statement.
This group that supports homeless LGBT youth in NYC of course needs assistance all year round, but during this time of year, the help is a little more individualized. Click on image for larger view.
It may be a little too late to partake on the "Be A Gay Santa" campaign this year, but you can contact them using the information in the pic above and try to help this holiday season. As mentioned, assistance is needed year round.
Do you have a charity, gay or straight, that you donate to every holiday season? Throw down their information / link / purpose and maybe we can get others to donate to those worthy causes out there.
For me, when it comes to
For me, when it comes to charitable giving, I like to be grassroots and non-political. Tell me what you do to feed and shelter the homeless and needy, tell me about clean ran water projects or micro loans for women in Africa, let me know how many low income young people are in your music or drama program and you may get my donation. Well healed donors give to lobbying efforts so you don't need my donation. If your CEO makes six figures or more, you don't need my donation. Regarding LGBT charities, what do you do for youth, is suicide prevention a priority? These things are important to me as a gay man and a person, and I find charities that match my priorities. it's not that difficult to do and the more you learn, the more you feel like you are part of the solution.