An international water polo competition is underway at the University of Taiwan and the only thing people can focus on is the Dutch water polo team. After a simple photo was taken of the team, Taiwanese press began circulating the photo, which has now taken over, and is becoming the most popular aspect of the competition.
Tweet translation: Somehow we have become popular in Taiwan in recent years …

Could it be because of the beefy goodness that is held together in those teeny tiny speedos?

Now that's a wet-pass to the hole-set if I've seen one!
The team’s coach Robin van Galen is shocked at the amount of publicity the team has received due to the photo. Their trainings have been filmed and broadcast live for millions of people.
Tweet translation: A television national television crew filmed our training and gave a big deal of love. This was broadcast live for millions of people!
The coach has also stated that since the photo’s release everything is suddenly popping up orange, the team’s color. He is amazed that so few people know anything about water polo but the “positive hype” for his team has only come after this sexy picture of tight men in small swimwear.
Can you blame them?
Tweet translation: One does not understand waterpolo but this "positive hype" has only arisen because of a sexy picture of tight men in small swimwear.
Best of luck, boys! Let us know when you open that Instagram account!