Anthony Varrecchia is a face you’ve more than likely seen before in some sort of advertising campaign, subway sign or all over social media. He has a look to him that can be described in many words from smoldering to sexy and everything in between.
The gorgeous stunner has many names attached to what he does for a living that go beyond his time in front of the camera. He also indulges in his love of working out by being a top fitness professional and whips out his big ole brush in the world of painting. One more thing: he’s been openly gay for almost 25 years now and still looks stunning all this time later. Look at all those checkmarks folks.
He chatted EXCLUSIVELY with Instinct Magazine about so much going on in his personal& professional life from his coming out story to his relationship with sexy boyfriend Mark Frazer and so much more. Take a look.

You describe yourself as a jack of many trades on Instagram. Fitness professional, model, artist. Do you have one you prefer over the others?
I post different aspects of my life and interests. My goal is to #becreative, inspire and have fun. I’ve always been creative expressing myself in many forms. I’ve loved art since as long as I could remember. Fitness has always been front and center. For me I cannot have one without the other. It all meshes together. I incorporate it all in my daily life as it reflects in my IG account.
A lot of people recognize you from your modeling where they hail you as one of the sexiest silver foxes out there. At what age did you start modeling and when did it catch on?
Thank you but there are many silver guys I look up to and have had the pleasure to meet. My modeling career really began in 2014 when I met a photographer through a friend. He was interested in photographing me because of my silvery white hair and beard. I posted those snaps on social media and it went viral. Other photographers then followed suit as I continuously uploaded more pics. It’s another form of art and I’ve had so much fun doing it. Meeting interesting people has been a blast and I made many friends in the process. From there it just snowballed. I never planned or expected this to happen and I’m just extremely humbled by it all.
Do you have a favorite shoot that you have done thus far and why was it that special?
The June 2018 issue of Attitude. I’m very proud of that project. They did a feature story on me including a section opening page. They’re very special to me and I consider myself part of their family. It was shot by talented photographer Frank Berlin who taught me so much. The ironic spin is I’ve worked in publishing for 30 years imagining myself on the covers and in these kinds of pages and that dream came true. Each project I’ve worked on is special in its own way. I’ve worked with many noted photographers who are all true artists at their craft.

Let’s take it back for a second. What was your coming out process like?
If I had the chance to do it over I would. I made it difficult for myself because of the environment and bubble I was raised in. In short I cared too much what others thought about me. That’s a big issue to overcome for many. I first opened myself to a circle further away from my inner world. I could explore my sexual self with no threat. As time went by the circle was getting smaller.
The summer of ’97 I went to South Beach in Miami. There were tons of hot guys. I thought to myself, “no one knows me so I can open up without fear or judgment”. I had fun with many of them that first trip. When I returned I decided to let my family and the world know. It was the best feeling. Some of them were judgmental but I realized that was their problem and not mine. I was finally out and extremely proud!
What advice would you give to anyone who is trying to come out themselves and live their most authentic lives?
It’s a very personal journey and everyone’s is very different. Its important to be yourself and if possible to find a support system such as a few family members or friends you can trust and be open with. There are also help lines & local LGBTQ centers that can help so you don’t feel alone and scared.
My journey was a long and drawn out process. I didn’t come out until I was 35. I was too concerned about what family and close friends would think. My late husband and current partner Mark did it when they were in their teens. I admire that. All I can say it does get better once you do. Our community does have its challenges but the rewards are incredible.
You also have a beautiful partner! How did you guys meet and was it love at first sight?
Thank you. He definitely is beautiful. Mark is hot, sexy has style and a ton of charisma. We were introduced through social media as friends first. We met after the first year corresponding. I can even recall the moment I fell in love. He had opened his suitcase and as I was watching him sorting through his clothes it happened. There was something about his demeanor. It was hot. It was then and there that I realized I loved him.
How has COVID been for the both of you in your blossoming relationship?
Thank god we have each other and our health. It wasn’t difficult for us to be together 24/7. We missed going out for dinner and socializing and the gym. Mark had planned to take me to Puerto Rico and that got canceled. On the positive side, it did force me to pick up my paint brush after a 15-year absence. The first was a portrait of Mark. I painted him in a very Van Gogh/impressionistic style. Right now I’m working of a self portrait. I was so nervous at first to pick up my brushes again but I surprised myself. We both inspire each other!
In conclusion what are you most hopeful for in the personal and professional future?
Getting back to my art is such an amazing feeling. I’m actually contemplating on having a show but we’ll see how that goes. I just purchased a few more canvases and have a cool idea for the theme. We’ve all felt the wear and tear from the pandemic. I miss training my clients and classes. Helping them get healthy is my fuel and passion. As for Mark and I, there’s a brighter future for the both of us. I love him.
❤️great story