Facebook Allows The Exchange Of Gay Sex For Rent!
Landlords Openly Demand Sex For Stay In Listings!
#InstinctAfterDark. It's likely you are someone who has rented a property before. You kindly pay your rent monthly in exchange for having a roof over your head. In any city nationwide, I'm certain we've all had positive and negative experiences with Landlords, fellow tenants, or living situations. Unfortunately for some, especially in the LGBTQ community, a lack of shelter can be a horrifying experience in our youth which shape our future. At a young age, in a world of homophobia, it is not uncommon for LGBTQ youth to be kicked out of their parent's homes and forced to fend for themselves. This terrifying experience can likely lead youth to becoming sex workers, believing they have nothing else to offer besides their bodies. As a Millennial, I've encountered numerous LGBTQ people in my life who have given up their bodies in exchange for something more. It's almost not shocking to me the same situations from my gay-puberty, so to speak, continue to this day.
According to Buzzfeed, gay sex for rent is still alive and well. The incredibly resourceful Buzzfeed Contributors have been investigating the world of gay sex in exchange for goods, which is a tale all too familiar with a majority of the LGBTQ community. In particular, Buzzfeed claims a Facebook group: Gay Houseboy’s and those who hire them, has an endless amount of posts requesting young men to have a place to stay in exchange for their bodies and housewife chores.
Buzzfeed claims this to be their first investigation which will continue. They state stories of both horror and pleasure, exposing both sides of the spectrum. Some young men with no where to go have been infected with HIV, raped, and mentally broken. Others who are into the agreement claim they enjoy being a houseboy and seemingly, a sex slave, although it appears they've had to go through the rounds to find someone who they feel most comfortable with AKA more attracted too.
Again, I'm not shocked this exchange is still going on. Are any of us? However, the horror stories being brought to light in mainstream media gives me hope future houseboy hopefuls will understand they are better than the title they want. It was not long ago I dreamed of being a Sugar Baby…until I actually believed in myself. I will be following Buzzfeed's investigation and you should be too.
To check out the full article on gay sex in exchange for rent on Buzzfeed, head HERE!