Funny: How Gays Can Love And Loath Madge In The Same Breath

L-R Braden Davis, Alex Dyon, Artie O’Daly (screen capture)

Do you speak Madonna? Or, more specifically, do you speak Madonna in the gay vernacular?

Funny guy Artie O’Daly, who brought us the hilarious ‘Bad Boy’ web series, has created a new collection of web shorts called ‘Sorry I’m Weird.’ Each installment features someone who is a bit off or is dealing with someone who is.


The latest episode features a group of friends discussing their Queen Madonna with an out-of-towner who doesn’t quite speak the language. Along the way, O’Daly explores how the gays can adore the queen of pop music in one breath, yet follow that breathless adoration with some crunchy criticism. Because…she’s Madonna.

The clip begins with Jason (Alex Dyon) and Sean (Braden Davis) checking out the latest from Madge with chants of “queen” for each and every thing she does.

“She’s queen.”
“Queen. Ugh, I owe her my life.”

Michael (O’Daly) joins in, although he’s not thrilled she’s back to wearing “the grillz.” But even then, there’s love because we “love when she does things people don’t like.”



L-R Braden Davis, Artie O’Daly, Alex Dyon (screen cap)

And that’s where Sean’s nephew, Taylor (Nevin Hamilton), walks in: “Are you talking about Beyoncé?” Cue the cold, dead stares…

Soon we segue into the inevitable “what’s your favorite Madonna song?”


O’Daly: “My favorite song is ‘Rebel Heart.’ The Avicii version. The album version was trash.”
Jason: “I literally cannot watch the Rebel Heart tour without my eyes bleeding. The editing is atrocious.”
Sean: “No editing could save her performance at EuroVision. I’d rather be murdered than watch that again.”
Michael to Taylor: “So, do you love Madonna like we do?”

Ah…you know only true fans can speak of Madonna like that. And why? Because, as Michael exaggerates explains, “She did everything for us. She died for our sins…I mean, basically…she got crucified a lot.”

L-R Artie O’Daly, Nevin Hamilton, Braden Davis, Alex Dyon (screen cap)

Exaggerations aside, O’Daly’s snappy dialogue is pretty spot-on for how it’s sometimes hard to tell if we gays love or hate her Madgeisty even when some of her social media antics might be questionable. Even then, she is always “queen.”

Hit the play button below and let us know what you think in the comments.

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