What will decorate your wall next year? Will it be the lovely Tom Daley and his month after month of cuteness with him all wet and shiny? Will it be Andrew Christian's offering up of the 2015's selected body part? This year the calendar flaunted his porn star / underwear model's bums, cutely called "Cakes." If you are a religious man, there's always the steamy Orthodox Priests we mentioned on Friday. There's always the firemen of a major metropolitan city that seem to shed their tops while remaining in their hefty suspenders and boots and unfortunately their pants, too.
There's a new calendar I may be looking to spend some funds on for next year. The Rangers for Rhinos calendar uses "actual game rangers from around South Africa and Botswana who volunteered to pose naked for the cause. The photographs includes the rangers, naked but not totally exposed, in various poses to create a sexy, arty and humorous feel."
Cape Town’s Natural Causes and former-supermodel turned South African photographer Josie Borain have created the Rangers for Rhinos 2015 Calendar to support two NGOs, the Game Rangers Association of Africa and Resource Africa, both involved in anti-rhino poaching projects.
“I used to see some of the [social media] posts about rhinos in pain after having their horns hacked off – terrible photographs. Over time, I realised that I cared. But by just liking or commenting on something on Facebook, it wasn’t really achieving anything,” said Borain.
Along with the photographs of the rangers, the calendar includes text about the plight of the rhino and the experience of rangers on the frontline of the rhino wars.
What I liked about the calendar was that it was created to promote a real cause and used the actual men of the job, in all of their shapes, sizes, and colors. The variety of men in this calendar is refreshing. The variety in Cakes left me saying, "well one out of 12 has a hairy bum. Good for them for being diverse!" Of course, if, I mean when I buy the Tom Daley calendar, the variety I will be looking for is the amount of clothing he will be wearing.
Who am I kidding. Who are we kidding? How many of us buy a calendar to use it as calendar? I had a friend give me a 2 foot by 3 foot Aberzombie and Fitch calendar. It had expired date wise but picture wise, it was still fine. I quickly discarded the odd pics of females along with the actual dates and kept the scantily clad boys for possible framing. Don't ask me why, but the pic with the boy on top of the elephant, he went in the bathroom. Tacky and sexy at the same time.
To recap, Tom Daley = yum, Cakes = my roommate gets that calendar every year, Firemen = need less pants, Priests = may call up past issues for some of us, and Rangers for Rhinos = good cause, real men, and educational, too.
What calendar are you looking forward to? Do you even buy a calendar?
For the full Rhino Rangers story and to see some uncropped NSFW pics, go to www.mamba.com.
To purchase a copy online, as well as see some more pics and outtakes from the photoshoot, visit the Rangers for Rhinos Facebook page or email nicolamonro@gmail.com