Gay Bar Owner Found Dead In Mexico

Jorge Abel Espinoza Ocampo
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The owner of a popular gay bar in Puebla, Mexico was found dead.

The body of 55-year-old Jorge Abel Espinoza Ocampo was found in his apartment on July 22, according to CiberCuba. More specifically, the victim’s body, dead of gun wounds and beatings, was found in his bedroom and was gagged with his hands and feet tied by tape. In addition, police say several valuables were missing from Ocampo’s apartment.


Right now, police are looking into the possibility of Cuban-born transwoman Yosanki, otherwise known as Ana la Cubana, being the culprit. In addition, local Mexican news sources discovered that the woman has a history of fraud and “trying to appropriate the homes of others through violence and intimidation.”

In addition, police are trying to decide if hate was involved with the murder and robbery. After all, Ocampo was a well-known figure in the town and its gay community, according to Gay Star News.

Ocampo was the owner of Franco’s bar. The venue was a celebrated establishment in the area that hosted the popular drag entertainer Cucusa. In addition, several of Ocampo’s friends, who held a mass for the departed businessman on July 23, state that the last time they saw him was on Saturday night during Franco’s 25th anniversary celebration.

“‘I join the demand for justice and for the Prosecutor’s Office to consider it as a homophobic crime. Let this crime not go unpunished so he can rest in peace. My deepest condolences to his family and friends,” wrote activist Onán Vásquez Chávez in the above Facebook post.

The State Attorney General’s Office and police are still investigating the case.

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