A History of Gay ‘Big Brother’ Houseguests Amid This Season Sucking Big Time

Credit: CBS

Spoiler alerts ahead. Although let’s keep it real here, does anyone care anymore about this season of Big Brother?

Big Brother All-Stars, currently airing on CBS, could’ve been something spectacular as diehard fans of the show were treated to a season filled with past fan-favorites including Janelle Pierzina, Kaysar Ridha, Da’Vonne Rogers and many more.


Instead, the viewers who have stuck by have had to endure the same alliance (The Committee) winning every damn competition and sending home anyone that isn’t in it each week.

Fans of the show have repeatedly said how much BBAS sucks and quite honestly we couldn’t agree more. Oh, and let’s not forget about that incident where Memphis Garrett and others openly mocked Ian Terry who is autistic. Classy.

Openly gay houseguest Kevin Campbell, who placed third on season 11 many years ago, is more than likely being sent home on Thursday as he finds himself on the chopping block yet again.


Kevin earlier this summer reflected on the pressures of being gay where he told some of the other houseguests that he hopes he’s doing “the LGBTQ community proud.”

They then questioned him on how he could fail them. “We’re such a diverse group,” he said. “I know I don’t represent all of it. It’s a huge responsibility. Sometimes there’s criticism, too.”

 “I really am a firm believer of representation matters,” he later explained in the Diary Room. “I became obsessed with Big Brother because of the representation this show has offered. Now, I have the privilege of representing the LGBT community now, and I want the entire community to feel I’m doing a good job representing them.”



His words, although heartfelt, didn’t exactly receive overwhelmingly positive responses on social media. Yes, there have been many gay men who have competed on the show (every season has included one except for S1 & S4) but a bigger problem remains.

“It is important to speak up because Big Brother has always had a problem with minority representation,” season 15 winner Andy Herren (the lone gay male BB champion) said this past June. “There are usually at most two Black houseguests and one gay houseguest and Latino and Asian representation is even worse.”

He also noted that “straight white males compromise 12 of the 21 winners of the show, which is so crazy when you really break it down.”


Da’Vonne, who was evicted last week, brought up a startling point during her final speech that the show STILL hasn’t had an African American winner. The only time that happened was during its sister celebrity series where Tamar Braxton won by a unanimous vote in 2019. Danielle Reyes (season 3) remains the only African American to make it to finale night. And that was back in 2002.

It also took them 18 seasons for a woman to beat a man (Nicole Franzel over Paul Abrahamian) in the final two and 19 seasons for a Latino to score victory (Josh Martinez over, again, Paul). Here’s a breakdown of how each season ended:

BB1: White Guy


BB2: White Guy

BB3: White Girl

BB4: Asian Girl

BB5: White Guy


BB6: White Girl

BB7: White Guy

BB8: White Guy

BB9: White Guy


BB10: White Guy

BB11: White Girl

BB12: White Guy

BB13: White Girl


BB14: White Guy

BB15: White Guy

BB16: White Guy

BB17: White Guy


BB18: White Girl

BB19: Latino Man

BB20: Filipino Girl

BB21: White Guy

Of those 21 seasons two were from the LGBTQ community (Andy and Kaycee Clark in BB20). And it looks as if BB is going to notch another Caucasian winner as the two remaining minorities (Kevin and David Alexander) are on the block and there’s a triple eviction on Thursday meaning that one of them will more than likely need to win HOH and POV in order to make it through the night.

Will things change in the future for BB should it be renewed again next summer when it comes to highlighting more than 2-3 minorities each season? Time will tell, but it’s looking like that’s more of a no based on the long history that this show has already had.

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