Gay Virginian Claims Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Assaulted Him Last Month

FOX News host Tucker Carlson is involved in a nasty case with a gay man yet again.


After admitting to beating a gay man who “bothered him in a men’s bathroom” and being called out by GLAAD for making a derogatory gay joke, Carlson is now being sued for allegedly assaulting a gay man.

This weekend, attorney Michael Avenatti tweeted out a video of Carlson in a heated argument at a Virginia country club. Avenatti states that he and his associates are looking into the situation and alleges that underage drinking was involved as well as a physical assault involving a “gay Latino immigrant.”

As he tweeted:

“We are investigating an alleged assault on a gay latino immigrant committed by T. Carlson and/or members of his inner circle at a club in VA in Oct. It likely includes underage drinking in violation of VA law. We are attempting to locate additional witnesses and to identify those depicted in the video. In particular, we need assistance identifying the balding man that grabs the man seated at the bar. We anticipate charges being filed. Anyone with knowledge, pls contact us.”


After Avenatti’s initial tweet, Carlson came out with a statement saying that the event took place on October 13th.


Carlson also alleged that the other party called his daughter a “whore” and a “f***ing c***.” This then resulted in the argument and Carlson’s son throwing a glass of red wine in the man’s face.

The full statement reads:

 “On October 13, I had dinner with two of my children and some family friends at the Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia. Toward the end of the meal, my 19-year-old daughter went to the bathroom with a friend. On their way back through the bar, a middle aged man stopped my daughter and asked if she was sitting with Tucker Carlson. My daughter had never seen the man before. She answered: ‘That’s my dad,’ and pointed to me. The man responded, ‘Are you Tucker’s whore?’ He then called her a ‘f**king c*nt.’

My daughter returned to the table in tears. She soon left the table and the club. My son, who is also a student, went into the bar to confront the man. I followed. My son asked the man if he’d called his sister a ‘whore’ and a ‘cunt.’ The man admitted he had, and again became profane. My son threw a glass of red wine in the man’s face and told him to leave the bar, which he soon did.

Immediately after the incident, I described these events to the management of the Farmington Country Club. The club spent more than three weeks investigating the incident. Last week, they revoked the man’s membership and threw him out of the club.

I love my children. It took enormous self-control not to beat the man with a chair, which is what I wanted to do. I think any father can understand the overwhelming rage and shock that I felt seeing my teenage daughter attacked by a stranger. But I restrained myself. I did not assault this man, and neither did my son. That is a lie. Nor did I know the man was gay or Latino, not that it would have mattered. What happened on October 13 has nothing to do with identity politics. It was a grotesque violation of decency. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.”

This is when things got a little weird.


Avenatti then responded to Carlson’s statement by calling Carlson a liar. He alleges that Carlson’s daughter was drinking underage, and says that a friend assaulted his client in the video (which we surmise is when the balding man pulled the client out of his chair).


In addition, Avenatti included a tweet that shared quotes from alleged witnesses to the altercation, but quickly deleted them. With that, Avenatti blocked a Twitter user who questioned him on the validity of these quotes.




Many are also calling into question Avenatti’s very involvement in this entire situation. It seems Avenatti and Carlson have a history of disputes.

Back in September, Avenatti, who represents Stormy Daniels, was interviewed by Carlson on Fox News. Carlson referred to Avenatti as a “Creepy Porn Lawyer,” and the interview spiraled into a yelling match, according to the Washington Post.

An excerpt from the interview’s transcript depicts the latter:


AVENATTI: I have no idea. I didn’t — I didn’t — I didn’t —

CARLSON: — I think you’d be ready for a simple question.

AVENATTI: — travel here with policy advisers. Can I ask you – let me ask you a question? Why is it — why is it —

CARLSON: No, no, thank you. Why don’t you get a TV show and then you could ask me a question?

AVENATTI: No, no, why is it that, no — no, why is it that you don’t —

CARLSON: I’ve asked you a simple question. And you’re not answering —

AVENATTI: — why is it that you don’t call —

CARLSON: — the question.

AVENATTI: — Donald Trump the creepy porn president? He’s the one that had sex with a 4-month-old son at home —

CARLSON: Okay. So, so now —

AVENATTI: — with my client without a condom.

CARLSON: Okay. So here’s — here’s the — here’s the —

AVENATTI: But — but you don’t want to acknowledge that.

CARLSON: Hold on.

AVENATTI: You don’t want to acknowledge that.

CARLSON: Let me acknowledge that.

The segment was later ended with Carlson saying, “Goodbye, Creepy Porn Lawyer.” (If you’d like to read the full transcript from the interview, you can read over at Real Clear Politics).

As such, it’s easy to see internet users’ suspicions around Avenatti being connected to this case.



After Avenatti’s second round of tweets, his client came forward to also call Carlson a liar.

It appears that the “gay Latino immigrant” is named Juan Manuel Granados.

Through a statement shared by Avenatti, Granados says that it was the Carlsons who started the argument and that he never called the daughter any obscene words. He also pressed that the daughter was underage and drinking.


The full statement from Granados reads as follows:

I am very active in the Charlottesville community and am involved in many charities and local organizations. I serve on the Boards of the Women’s Initiative, 2nd Street Gallery, and the Lighthouse Studio, and also serve on the Tom Tom Festival committee. I am a proud gay member of the Latino community and am also an immigrant. I obtained my U.S. citizenship in late September.

Tucker Carlson’s explanation of what transpired at the Farmington Country Club in Virginia on October 13 is a complete fabrication. Among the many lies contained in his statement:

1 – I NEVER called any member of his family any names. I never attacked his daughter as Tucker claims. I never called his daughter or son a “cunt” or “whore” or anything approximating that. I certainly never apologized for using those words or admitted to saying them because I never said them. Many witnesses support this fact. Tucker has created this story out of thin air – it never happened.

2 – Tucker’s daughter never “returned to the table in tears” as he claims. That too is a complete fiction.

3 – Tucker’s son and Tucker, together with the unidentified “friend,” were the aggressors that night as shown in the video. I never threatened any of them. When one views the video, you can clearly see whom is being aggressive. I am seated calmly.

4 – Tucker threatened me with physical violence and told me to “Go back to where you came from” before another patron started filming the incident. On the video, Tucker is shown yelling various profanities at me and threatening me. Tucker’s friend is seen grabbing me, yanking me off my chair and also threatening physical violence while another patron says there is no need for physical violence.

5 – Tucker’s daughter was drinking that night despite the fact that she is underage at 19. She repeatedly came to the bar to get drinks and Tucker was fully aware his daughter was drinking.

I intend on pursuing possible charges against Tucker for assault, against his son for assault and battery, and against his “friend” for assault and battery. I did not deserve to be treated that way that night and I did not deserve to be told to “go back to where you came from.”

I am confident that after a full and complete investigation, the truth will be known and Tucker’s version of events will be shown to be a complete fabrication.

In addition, Avenatti shared an ABC News story from 2012 in which Granados won a lawsuit against a Health Club for discriminating against them. The Roanoke Athletic Club revoked a “family membership” from Granados and his partner due to a homophobic policy.


So far, that’s all the information that’s available concerning the situation. To sum up what is known as fact so far:

  • Tucker Carlson was at a Virginia Country Club on October 13 with two of his children at the same time as Juan Manuel Granados.
  • Something happened to incite an argument between the two parties.
  • Carlson’s son threw red wine at Granados (which could count for simple assault, but again doesn't happen in the video).
  • Granados does something to incite anger from another man (balding guy). The man then tries to pull Granados out of his chair (possibly another instance of simple assault). Balding guy then says to one passerby who was trying to defuse the situation, "Did you see what he [Granados] did?"
  • Carlson complained to the club, which later conducted a three week long investigation. The club then revoked Granados's membership.
  • Granados is attempting to sue Carlson for assault, his son for assault and battery, and balding man for assault and batter. In addition, he has enlisted Michael Avenatti, who has a history of fighting with Carlson, as his attorney.
  • The rest so far is he said/he said.

It’s important to note that despite Carlson’s past involving LGBTQ people, he is not the clear villain. It’s currently unclear which party is telling the most truth and who is at fault here. Most likely, the truth and fault lies on sides of the argument.

But again, the situation is ongoing and we’ll keep you updated as it continues.

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