For a couple of weeks now my partner and I have been stringing lights, putting up wreaths, hanging ornaments and stockings, and making our place feel as festive and ready for the holigays—you know, like the holidays but gayer. And what makes it the holigays? Well, the fact that everything is done with a little something extra—fabulousness.
Usually, I wait to find some inspiration from social media to be overcome with the spirit—but this year we got a head start—it’s the only thing that will make it feel like December in the 90 degree Southern California weather.
Still, we both like to sit on our couch, drinking hot chocolate with the fireplace playing on the T.V. as we swipe through the social media accounts of our favorite LGBTQ icons to see how they are making the holidays a gay ole time!
So here’s a little something to keep you going as you wrap those gifts, listen to Sia’s Everyday Is Christmas album, and dance around in those holiday jammies.
Happy Holigays!
And some area already getting ready for NYE!