Get To Know More About Our “Hottie Of The Week,” Drew F.

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It takes a resolve of steel to look at yourself and realized you need to make a serious change. Our latest Hottie of The Week did just that, and then some. With six years of sobriety under his belt, this furry artist painted his way into a brighter future. Meet artist Drew Fowler, the Instinct Hottie of the Week.

When Drew isn’t creating beautiful works of art you can find him and his partner Chris hiking and camping. The Woods Campground is one of their favorite weekend retreats. This sober hunk is also a self-proclaimed video game nerd, with Legend of Zelda his favorite one. Lately, he’s found himself more and more into yoga. Namaste handsome!

Get to know more about Drew as he answers our “Hottie of the Week” questionnaire.

Name: Drew Fowler


Age: 33

Website / social media handles: TikTok: @drewfowlerart Instagram: @drewfowlerart Facebook: Drewcifer6789

Where do you call home? I grew up in Delaware County, PA but I recently moved to Bellmawr NJ.


What do you think is the most attractive part about yourself?

I’d have to say my chest hair. When I was younger I hated it. I thought I was supposed to be a twink, so in high school so I bought some Nair and tried to remove it all. BIG MISTAKE! It made a huge smelly mess and grew back very quickly. I’ve since embraced my naturally hairy body and discovered men are also a fan of it.

What do you find you are complimented on you the most?


I get compliments on my beard pretty often. It’s also one of the features I find most attractive in men. My father was never able to grow a beard and my mom tells me he would have been very jealous of it.

What, to you, defines sexy? I find confidence to be very sexy, but also kindness and humility. More specifically, I’m very partial to beards, tattoos, and men who know how to take care of themselves.

What is your proudest moment so far in your life?

My proudest moment would be getting sober. My early 20s were dominated by drugs and alcohol, and it nearly cost me my life. Today, I have over 6 years sober and am living a life I can be proud of. I also discovered my love for art in my recovery, and have found a lot of success in my painting career.


What haven’t you accomplished, personally or professionally, that you are wanting to do in the next 2-3 years?

I have a great job that I love, but someday I would like to become an artist full time. It would not be an easy decision to walk away from the stability of my current job, but it would be very rewarding to be my own boss and in control of my success.


Have you found love? If so, what is the best part of your relationship and what do you love most in your partner(s)? If not, what do you look for in the ideal relationship?

I have found love. My partner Chris and I have been together for 5+ years and are planning to get married later this year. We also recently bought our first house. What I love most about our relationship is that we both found someone we can be our authentic selves with. We support each other’s goals and lift each other up. We’re open and honest about our fears, anxieties, and needs. He’s my best friend and a solid partner. He also has a very cute butt. I’m a lucky man.



What is your all-time favorite movie? My all-time favorite movie is Stardust. I’ve probably seen it 20+ times and it never gets old. It’s like an adult version of Hocus Pocus. Michelle Pfeiffer is an evil witch and Robert Deniro plays a gay pirate. Its awesome! I even named by cat after the main character, Tristan.

Who is your biggest celebrity crush? My biggest celebrity crush would have to be Henry Cavill. WOOF!

What is your favorite cheat meal or snack? I can’t resist friend chicken and waffles!


If you were stuck on an island for eternity, what music album would you want to have with you? I would go with The Click by AJR. Their music is so happy and I would enjoy being stuck with them on a deserted island.


What does it mean to be featured as our Instinct Hottie?

It means a lot to me. I’m flattered and appreciate the opportunity!

Anything else you’d like to share with the Instinct readers?


Thank you for taking the time to read about my life. If anyone is struggling with addiction I just want to remind them that recovery is possible. If I can do it, so can you! 


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