Girl Blasts Her Boyfriend For Watching Porn

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A Disgruntled Woman Is So Angry Her Boyfriend Watches Porn. For Real, Girl?

Sexuality is one hell of a term that’s affecting everybody. Sex sells and we see that everywhere we look. Whether its socialites releasing a sex tape to become glorified icons, sex workers dominating their bank accounts thanks to websites like OnlyFans, or simply being subliminally advertised in all forms of media – we’re surrounded by sex, sexual innuendos, or the promise of sex if we just double tap a like on someone’s Instagram photograph. In a world full of temptation, some of us may become cynical from a former cheating partner or turn into someone unfaithful themselves. Sex and love addiction is a very real disease and shouldn’t be ignored. However, probably the safest form of sexual release is masturbation thanks to our imaginations, fetishes, or pornography. Yet, in the modern era… some people are still up in arms over their partners…masturbating…what?!


According to Barstool Sports, Twitch Streamer, MahrisaTV is outraged that her boyfriend is watching pornography behind her back. In a now deleted tweet, she blasts her unknown boyfriend after taking his cell phone and discovering that he has been browsing Pornhub. First, going through someone’s browser history is perhaps an act you shouldn’t do even if they passed. Next, Mahrisa (or Marisa) goes onto explain that she finds pornography/masturbation disgusting and has an agreement with her boyfriend that he wouldn’t do it behind her back after being nagged by her multiple times. She believes he has no respect for her and she wants him to leave if he’s unhappy with her. In her defense, he continued his obvious liar – since masturbation seems impossible to avoid – he claims, hilariously if you’re just observing her frustration, that he only searched for the videos but never watched them. Please may we all take a pause to laugh ridiculously.

There’s a lot to unpack here! It’s almost weird to imagine a world where you’d be upset over your boyfriend watching pornography because men enjoyed porn and it’s likely we’re going to watch it. If you look closely at Mahrisa’s screenshots, you’ll be able to investigate what type of porn her boyfriend is watching. It’s nothing too taboo, but her man clearly has a favoritism towards male porn star, Johnny Sins. But he also has a preference for threesome porn featuring two men and a woman. Chances are her boyfriend is a closeted bisexual or is actively living out his fantasies virtually of sharing his girlfriend with another man. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Yes, he should’ve expressed these fantasies to her – communication is key – but if she’s as much of a stuck up, unapproachable person as she is on the internet, why would he want to share this private, potentially embarrassing information with her?

We can sit here all day talking about boundaries and rules of faithfulness, but if his genitals aren’t in your hand, his hand, or his pants – there’s a great chance they are somewhere you don’t want them to be. He wasn’t watching any horrifying type of you-can-go-to-jail porn. And hey, according to her screenshots he was watching porn only on Wednesday and Saturday! He was probably bored and horny! Heck, he was researching orthodontists on Tuesday! He seems like a great guy who is sexually adventurous! One could only be so lucky! If her boyfriend didn’t have porn on his phone, perhaps she should be a little more worried…

Check out Mahrisa’s dilemma below and judge for yourself. Would you be mad at your man for watching porn?

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Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Source: Barstool Sports

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