GMA’s Tony Morrison Publicly Shares His HIV Status In A Powerful Essay

Everyone’s journey through an initial diagnosis of H.I.V. can be arduous, confusing, and gut-wrenching. Good Morning America producer and host Tony Morrison is sharing every one of those feelings and more in a powerful essay that he shared today, the eighth anniversary of his own positive diagnosis. For the first time, Morrison is speaking about his move to New York City, his initial diagnosis, the shame, and ultimately the power-and ability to thrive-that he was able to find through these years of being positive.  


Morrison details his journey to New York City at 23 from a small Florida town. After coming out in the Spring of 2013, Morrison embraced the freedom that comes with being a newly out man in The Big Apple. After taking an over-the-counter HIV test on a whim, Morrison details the immediate tears and feeling of solitude that came upon him. Sharing his diagnosis with close friends and finding the appropriate medical care, Morrison found one medical professional that had a definitive impact on him. Living undetectably now three months after his diagnosis, Morrison shares what it is like to share his status with potential romantic partners as well as owning the fact that his own story is indeed, his superpower.

Morrison’s emotional and poignant essay ends with this dynamic and newly minted advocate emphatically stating words that hopefully others will be able to find inspiration from. He says simply “I refuse to sulk in shame any longer. I’ve found that living is a duty. And I’m choosing to celebrate life as long as I have life to live.”

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