GOP Law Makers Back Christian Baker Who Refused to Make A Cake For A Gay Wedding

Republicans on the federal level have showed their hate against the LGBTQ community, again. I know, I know, it’s nothing new.


Congressional Lawmakers have signed an amicus brief in support of a Christian Baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. The defendant, Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cake Shop, has argued that having to bake a cake is the same as agreeing with gay marriage. Senator Mike Lee of Utah, reiterated this with saying that laws that force businesses to treat everyone equally suppress free speech and expression.




While he last lost the battle at every step of the turn, the Supreme Court has agree to hear his case.

More than likely Phillips will not win, but we do have a more conservative lean to the court than in years past. Here’s to hoping the Supreme Court does believe in treating everyone equally. 

H/T: The New Civil Rights Movement

2 thoughts on “GOP Law Makers Back Christian Baker Who Refused to Make A Cake For A Gay Wedding”

  1. Businesses shouldn’t have to

    Businesses shouldn't have to treat people equal

    These GOP will bite themselves in their backs when business start refusing to service religious retards and conservaturds. And when they complain why: simply say it is my right and businesses shouldn't treat people equally.

    I remember a pizza shop who refused to serve people who supported Jan brewers petition to right to discriminate. For sure that will happen if the GOP will enforce their way


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