Summer may not officially start for another couple of months, but Greyson Chance is already vying to have his new song become the song of the summer. Chance’s new single, ‘Hellboy’ is the singer’s latest from his forthcoming EP.
Chance brings sexy and sultry lyrics to his latest single and in an interview with Paper Magazine, the 23-year-old singer explains his inspiration for ‘Hellboy’:
It’s a long and complicated story like everything else. But the pandemic has been, for me, sitting down trying to focus and make an album. As the world has been crashing and burning around me, it was a little difficult to truly stay focused on, “What is the intention? What do I want to say in this next body of work?” And ‘Hellboy’ to me was the first time with the record where I actually remembered how fun it could be and how I could step into this world, step on stage, step into the studio and become this character. ‘Hellboy’ was the first time with the album where I felt like I was embracing the fun in music again and just thinking about, “Who can I become when I walk into the studio today?” So it is a bit of me embracing an alter ego, but also for the first time during the pandemic finally having fun with music again and finding fun in life in general.
Over on his TikTok account, Chance talks about how he started in the music business compared to where he is today.
Watch on TikTok
You can hear ‘Hellboy’ in the video below and it is also available now on all digital and streaming platforms. Chance’s long-awaited untitled EP is scheduled to be released sometime in June, just in time for Pride Month.
What do you think of the new single from Greyson Chance? Let us know in the comments or on social media accounts.
Sources: Paper Magazine, Greyson Chance Official YouTube Channel, Greyson Chance Official Twitter Account, Greyson Chance Official TikTok Account,
Greyson is soo freaking adorable! Check out his older song “Purple Sky”, it’s beautiful, about the young gay suicides during that time. I hope he puts out more gay music & music videos soon <3
He has a sexy/beautiful voice, his EPs & albums are so good.