The Federal Justice Department has stepped in to add their charges to a case against a Louisiana Man that planned to use Grindr to hunt down gay men and kill them. On Thursday March 18, 2021, federal hate crime and kidnapping charges were brought against Chance Joseph Seneca, 19 years old from Lafayette. Prosecutors described that Seneca tried to kill and dismember one of three men he abducted after luring them using social media and a dating app.
The Justice Department news release (linked and at the end of this post) called “an overarching scheme to kidnap and murder” gay men. The indictment said Seneca intended to keep parts of a victim’s body as “mementos, trophies and food.”
Holden White, 18, shared with a local news channel the description of the attack where he was severely injured and left in a bathtub with strangulation marks on his neck and his wrists were slit to the bone. If that was not hard to read, please be cautious that some of the details in this video may be hard to hear.
What is interesting is that the indictment alleges that Seneca tried to cover up his actions by deleting communications between himself and the victim of the attempted murder. So it is illegal to delete those stalking messages or threats of violence. Good to know. Remember that psychos out there. But of course, what many do not know is once you put something out there on the internet, it is out there forever. Just because you cannot see it, just because you delete your profile or they shut you put of your profile, the information is still there, even in the victim’s account. Sorry, I’m personally dealing with someone that has made 50+fake profiles over the past year (39 overt the past week) to come after me. Fun times!
White later told CBS affiliate KLFY-TV that he is certain he was targeted because he is gay.
“He went on an app designated for gay people,” he told the station in January. “He chose to choose someone who is gay and very proud of his sexuality. He said this in prison. He said he chose me because I have a smaller stature and it would be easier to kill me. He knew what he was doing.”
Seneca is already in state custody, and is facing attempted murder charges, state hate crime charge, which he’s pleaded not guilty to as of now. So now add federal charges to the state charges. It piles high on people that do wrong things. it just takes some time for all of the judicial branches and law enforcement to catch up to the hatred and stupidity people practice and put out into the world.
As to it piling high, we know about Holden White’s case, but the federal indictment charges against Seneca are three (3) counts of kidnapping and one “hate crime with intent to kill.” So who are the other men? The indictment says Seneca kidnapped two other men on June 19 but gives few details. it is clear that the FBI has been building a case for some time and unfortunately it took the White incident to formulate the official charges.
It stands to show that if a person is harassing you, they are most likely harassing someone else. Keep your eyes open for those buggy-eyed creeps out there. They’re lurking in the shadows no more. They’re front and center and using our own apps against us.
