Hillary Defends Her Altered Marriage Equality Stance

I've posted several political blogs in the past year, and it seems the overwhelming sentiments are that Republicans should burn in hell, the phrase 'Gay Republicans' is the biggest oxy moron and lie out there, and Republicans, based solely on the fact that they part of the GOP, will never get your vote.  One of the main reasons cited for such disgust of the GOP politicians is the party members' majority stance on marriage equality. It seems that no other political issue is that important, that decisive, to our readers.  Since Republicans represent the party that stood in the way of marriage equality, they will never get your LGBT vote.


Is it fair to decide to go against one political party based on one issue?  So a majority of us will never vote Republican, but does that mean the democratic candidate automatically gets your vote?  And what if that candidate has a shaky record on that ONE ALL POWERFUL issue that makes you hate all Republicans.

In the Democratic Town Hall in Las Vegas, Hillary was asked about your ONE ALL POWERFUL issue and her personal record in supporting marriage equality.  She will get to that answer in this clip, after she responds to a question about her Wall Street meetings.




Voter asks Hillary Clinton to "just release those transcripts" of her Goldman Sachs speeches "so we know where you stand."Follow tonight's #DemTownHall on our live blog → nbcnews.to/1QLMGGS

Posted by Meet the Press on Thursday, February 18, 2016




Is her answer about her changed opinion of marriage equality good enough? 

It's not a Republican answer so it has to be right, right?  

Is one's blind acceptance of Hillary's changed stance on marriage equality and the blanket hatred of all Republicans hypocritical?

Does the endorsement by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) mean anything to you?


Are you a "Single Issue Voter" where the importance of one issue blurs out all others?



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