If the Internet was a High School.

For those of us that are App Freaks with our phones and follow multiple news websites, we understand that a certain type of news tends to come from certain apps and websites, almost as if they have a personality of their own.  Even the same news covered by multiple sites and apps has an angle or take.  Apps / news sources tend to report the news with their own flare or even indecisiveness.


The creative minds over at Cracked made a video showing us what it would look like if the Internet was a High School.  Huff Post, Drudge Report, AP, and Snapchat make an appearance.  The main players of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and CNN are present, but no Bing or Yahoo. Someone has some favorites.  I still don't understand Reddit, but having Hulu and Netflix as the AV geeks was spot on.




Bing did make an appearance in Internet Party, Cracked's creation two years ago and embeded below.  Bing was the newbie then, but hasn't seemed to stand the test of time.  Also in the March 2011 video, Facebook gets slammed a couple of times for their design changes we all immediately hated. And the use of the firefox door key since the internet explorer door key didn't work was a stroke of genius. See what other digs you can pick up.






I think the only dating / hook up website to make either video was OK Cupid, so no adam4adam, or Manhunt, etc.  Maybe that will be next on their list, the many personalities of hook up / dating sites.  You have to admit, there are differences between Recon, PlentyofFish, OKC, and even Scruff and Growlr men.  As a mini flashback, below is the video produced by Jack'd entitled "If Guys Acted in Real Life the way they do in Gay Apps."  Of course on Jack'd, I think I mainly get porn site bots.  How come those didn't make an appearance in their video?





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