Indiana Church is Kicked Out for Being Anti-LGBTQ

The Remnant Fellowship Church in Auburn, Indiana has reportedly vacated their church after an anti-LGBTQ sign was displayed on the church’s marquee, WPTA-21 confirmed.


The sign, which read, “LGBTQ is a hate crime against God. Repent.” was the center of controversy and the church’s pastor claimed LGBTQ individuals do not align the with beliefs of the church. Remnant Fellowship is attempting to “reach young people and steer them away from a lifestyle they believe is harmful to them.” Below the large marquee there was also a sign that read ‘All Are Welcome’.

On the church’s Facebook page, which has since been deleted, Remnant Fellowship stated: "Put this on church sign to reach a wicked and filthy generation."

After protest and much attention, the church was kicked out by their landlord due to the intolerance the sign was displaying. There is no news on whether the church will relocate. Guess they'd better find a less inclusive landLORD!

h/t: WPTA-2

2 thoughts on “Indiana Church is Kicked Out for Being Anti-LGBTQ”

  1. What happened to the

    What happened to the separation of church and state?  Why would anyone want to be involved with a religious organization that preaches such hate?  They are hypocrites!

  2. Preaching bigotry, prejudice 

    Preaching bigotry, prejudice & hatred is obviously prevalent in Indiana. Sad, in 2018, such uneducated ignorance still exists in middle America. sad



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